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    .201 SUGAR STRANDS You have a suspicious mind, Oliver said. I have every reason to.Especially as her caris involved in an abduction. Point taken.They stood on that red step, statues ofimpatience as they waited an interminably longtime for Mrs Shields to return. What the fuck is she doing in there?Langham muttered, the tic working beneath hiseye again.He was tired, that much was certain, andOliver selfishly wondered if the detective wouldbe too tired for their date. This house is so big,she might have to walk a fair way to wherevershe keeps her diary. Ridiculous having a house this big,Langham said. Probably only her and ahusband, a few hired help.What s the point?Why not downsize?Oliver disagreed. Why not have it if she can?Why does she need to live in a smaller house ifshe can afford to live here?Langham looked at him as though he dgrown horns. You serious? This place should be202 SARAH MASTERSfilled with people, not one or two rattling around,voices echoing. It might have been, once.She might havehad several kids, they ve left the nest, and nowthere s just her and possibly her old man left.It sstill her home.She shouldn t have to leave it,leave all the memories behind because otherpeople think the place is too big for her. Other people.You mean me.Just say it. Yep, you.Entitled to your opinion and allthat, but I don t see it the same way. Didn t ask you to. Nope, you didn t. Oliver stopped it there.He wasn t in the mood for their sniping, and thetone Langham had used meant it would be morethan banter if they continued this way. So, whathappens if she comes back saying she neverwent out yesterday or any of the days that carwas spotted at Glenn s?Langham didn t respond.The front doorswung open on well-oiled hinges, and MrsShields stood there again, diary in hand. Well, I didn t go out yesterday.I thought Ihad, but after looking in here I see I have mydays mixed up.203 SUGAR STRANDSOld age crept up on you even if your bodylooked younger. Does& Robert use the car for his ownpurposes? Langham cocked his head. No, he most certainly does not! Indignancecame off her like sleet pointed and sharp,stinging and cold. He lives in; I would know ifhe used it without my permission.Why everwould you ask such a thing? May we come in, Mrs Shields?Oliver watched for her reaction.He felt shewas hiding something, although he couldn t geta handle on exactly what it was. Is that necessary? She pursed her mouth,agitation making her top lip gain a row of verticallines much like comb teeth. It would be more comfortable&  Langhamsniffed, smiled. I would much rather we spoke out here. Sheglanced back into the house, a large foyer withgleaming white tiles and a mahogany staircaseat the centre, shooting straight up to a verandamuch like the one outside the house.Gaze backon them, eyes wider, though she hid any anxiety204 SARAH MASTERSvery well, she said,  Just tell me what theproblem is and I will deal with it.Broken backlight? Did I forget to purchase new road tax? Flattyre? What?Oliver wanted to laugh.She was good at thisacting innocent business. None of those, madam. Langham sighed,his irritation with her game obvious. Then what, for God s sake? She clampedher lips closed, sucking them in so their rosehue disappeared.They reminded Oliver of a shaved vagina.Jesus.I need sleep&His man coughed. How about child abduction?Her mouth sagged open.Colour, pink as atongue, formed rounded spots on her cheekbones.A gasp came out of her, asphyxiated, torn, anafter thought that gasp should have come first,shouldn t it?  Child abduction? Whatever do youmean? Exactly what I said, madam. Surely not! She moved back a few inches,started closing the door. There is no way mybaby would be involved in such a thing.205 SUGAR STRANDS Your baby? Would that be Robert?She rolled her eyes, the irises disappearingfor a moment, her whites blood-veined, bulging. No! My baby! My car! Right, Mrs Shields.I ll be frank with you.I mtired.Very tired.I m investigating several murders [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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