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    .27Crevecoeur 1950, 17.28The agreement, 1.Old., 344 46; Petri IV, 284 85. A Conquest 75Farmers attacked Bishop Otto in Västerås and threatened old Arch-bishop Ulfsson at his estate.After some indecisive skirmishes, therewas a pitched battle at Uppsala on Good Friday.In the end a lead-erless army of farmers fled a field littered with dead.29 ArchbishopTrolle ordered the fallen left for dogs and ravens, unburied in marshesand fens.Sweden was under papal interdict, and the dead had beenbanned.Late in April King Christian sailed up the coast and made camp onSödermalm.Søren Norby sailed in with another arm of the fleet andclosed off Stockholm.The town was fired on and returned fire, butthe king s men did not storm the walls.In far off Holstein on May 13, 1520, Duke Friedrich brokered anagreement with the Hanse.Lübeck and her allies agreed to break offtrade with Sweden until Easter 1521.In exchange the towns receivedfree passage in the waters of Denmark and Norway and confirmationof their special privileges in the two kingdoms.All increases in tollsand excises since 1512 were abolished; tolls would be collected in theestablished locations.Other questions about compensation would besettled when His Grace returned from Sweden.With some hesitation,Elysabet and the Danish council sealed the agreement June 5 (or 9).30Hemming Gadh, the former Sture advisor and one of the hostagescarried off to Denmark two years earlier, accompanied King Chris-tian to Sweden.Gadh had come to an understanding with the king.Perhaps he was convinced by what he saw of Danish preparations;perhaps he believed Kristina Gyllenstierna could not hold out; per-haps he had come to doubt the Sture claim to Sweden.Gadh had notspent twenty years in Rome in vain; he was one of the most deviousdiplomats in northern Europe.King Christian intended to use histalents against the defenders of Stockholm.Over the next few weeks Hemming Gadh and Bishop Matthiasof Strängnäs were untiring in their efforts to quiet the unruly anddeliver Sweden to King Christian.Sture leaders opened negotiations against the ordinary man s will, 31 and there were serious distur-bances in Stockholm.Gadh himself was very nearly lynched.Whatproved decisive, particularly for Fru Kristina, was the offer of a com-prehensive pardon.Letters of assurance dated September 5, 1520,exchanged by the king, Fru Kristina, the nobility, and the magistratesof Stockholm promised that what had taken place in years past was29Petri IV, 287 88.301.Old., 423 25.31Petri IV, 290; Huitfeldt Ch II, 132. 76 Lord of the Northern World, 1513 1523 a clear agreed-upon matter, finally at an end. Everyone, withoutexception, received a guarantee of life and goods.The privilegesof Stockholm were confirmed.The king promised that the vio-lence against Archbishop Trolle, Archbishop Ulfsson, Bishop Otto ofVästerås, and other prelates was at an end in secular and church law.The letters were sealed with the king s seal and the great seal of Swe-den.Seventeen Swedish and Danish councillors, Archbishop Trollefirst among them, added their seals as witnesses  not, as Westmancautions, as guarantors of the agreement.32September 7, 1520, the Swedish council agreed that control ofthe castle in Stockholm  would be held to the faithful hand of HisGrace. 33 If Christian II died, control would pass to Christian s son,then to Queen Elysabet, and only then to the Swedish council.Thetown of Stockholm undertook a similar commitment the next day.With these assurances the capitulation of March 2 became a deadletter.King Christian was moving step by step toward the realizationof an old ambition, a hereditary monarchy.The town masters handed over the key to the south gate of Stock-holm September 7, and the lord of the northern world made a tri-umphal entry into the town.The king had not been inside those wallsfor eighteen years.As he rode through the town gate, he was reportedto have said to a merchant from Lübeck,  Tell them at home, thatWe have won one of Lübeck s gates, and it may be that We will alsotry to win the other [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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