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    .Shawn berated himself mentally as Remy shrank back into the other cornerof the bunk.Could he not do a damn thing right anymore? Remy nodded sedately inresponse and looked back at Brandt, who glared at them both.Shawn blinked back athim, wondering what happened to get the normally calm pyromaniac so riled up.Brandt turned slightly and threw his hands up in exasperation as he looked atCarl.He reached out and grabbed the man by his shirtfront and dragged him inside,sliding the door shut violently as he pushed at Thiago and Gray to back them up andmake more room.Gray lost his balance and Shawn instinctively reached out to grab him beforehe fell and cracked his head open on the ladder, or some other equally desirable fate.He pulled him toward him and Gray fell onto the bottom bunk to sprawl on top ofRemy and Shawn.The three of them remained there, barely breathing and hoping toremain inconspicuous as Brandt got in Carl s face and snarled, then turned on Thiagoand started motioning angrily toward them once more.Remy was struggling with Gray and looking slightly dejected as he helpedthe man out of Shawn s lap.Nikolaus was edging further and further into the cornerand looking at Shawn and Remy with a look of ever-increasing horror, and Thiagoand Brandt were bristling as they argued.Carl simply looked trapped in the cornerbeside the closed door, and Gray was now smacking Remy upside the head andyelling at him.All this Shawn was observing with a sinking feeling, but the only thing hecould completely focus on was the ringing in his ears.XLVII.REMY and Shawn were killers? Well sure, they all were.Killers for hire? On thewrong side? Bad guys, essentially? Not possible.The Organization didn t do that sortof thing.Did they?Nikolaus couldn t quite understand what Brandt was ranting about, thoughhe was shamefully glad that it was taking the focus off him, for the moment. I m telling you, mate, I don t like being in the dark, Brandt growled as hetook a threatening step toward Thiago.The compartment was tiny, and Nikolaus scrambled out of Thiago s way asthe man stumbled backwards.Nikolaus climbed the ladder to the top bunk andwatched the scene unfold below him.Brandt grabbed Thiago to keep him from fallingand pulled him close. 482 The ArcherAbigail Roux If you don t spill every goddamn thing you know, and I mean right fuckingnow, I will kill you.Slowly.To the surprise of everyone in the small space, Carl stepped forward,grabbed Brandt around the neck, and pulled on him, throwing him up against the sideof the wall and pinning him there.Thiago fell back against the window as he was letloose and stared at the two men in confusion, and Nikolaus saw Gray and Remy shiftuneasily below him.Shawn watched the drama unfold warily, but it was prettyobvious that the man wasn t following it. Calm the fuck down, Carl growled in a low, even voice.Brandt blinked at him with wide brown eyes, and Nikolaus wondered if thebig man was having flashbacks to his near-death experience in Remy s kitchen.Nikolaus certainly was. What the hell is going on? Thiago asked in frustration as he pushed awayfrom the window and turned around to close the curtain. Seems we ve had a little miscommunication, Carl answered calmlywithout taking his eyes off Brandt. Ha! Remy cried from beneath Nikolaus s bunk. Yeah, apparently not allthe guns for hire got the fucking memo this time around! he spat disgustedly. Fucking misunderstanding, he grumbled. You re a fucking master of the obvious,you know that, Trigger?Nikolaus leaned over the bunk to look at the three men beneath him.Shawnand Gray were looking at Remy warily, and Remy sat in the far corner with his armscrossed over his chest, looking very much like a scolded child.Shawn leaned forwardand tugged on Gray s shirtsleeve, and Gray leaned toward him. What s going on? Shawn asked in a low voice.Gray did a double take and then tilted his head up to glare at Thiagopointedly. See? he said angrily as he jabbed his finger at Shawn. He can t hear afucking thing! What do you mean, he can t hear? Remy asked concernedly, and Carl andBrandt stopped glaring at one another long enough to look at Gray in alarm. Andwho shot at you on the way here? Were you followed? No one shot at us, Gray spat. Thiago fired his gun through the freakingwindshield, right by Shawn s ear. Why? Remy asked curiously, his concern ebbing.Nikolaus wondered howRemy knew a gun had been fired, and it suddenly struck him that the three men musthave seen the bullet hole in the front of the 4Runner as they came in.No wonderRemy had been panicked when he found Shawn with blood running down the side ofhis face. Seemed like a good idea at the time, Thiago said with an angry glare at The Archer 483Abigail RouxGray. Certainly made me feel better. Move, Boss, Remy ordered as he crawled behind Gray and they struggledaround one another until Remy was sitting next to Shawn and examining the side ofhis face.He put his mouth right next to Shawn s ear, his lips moving almostimperceptibly as he spoke.Shawn nodded slowly in response and shivered slightly [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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