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    .Once they are happy with the number of cards dealt, they arefurther instructed to deal those cards into three piles and just keep dealing until all thecards are used.The three piles of cards are then arranged to form the ETERNAL TRIANGLE with thebusiness card prediction in the centre.The pile of cards at the bottom left of the triangle from the performers perspectiverepresents the past, the bottom right of the triangle represents the present and the top of the triangle represents the future.The top card of each pile is turned over one at a timeand interpreted in the order, past, present and future.Once the future card at the top ofthe triangle has been turned and an interpretation give, the client is asked to look at thebusiness card and finds you had predicted their future before any cards were dealt.Thebusiness card of course has the name of the future card written on it and is left with theclient as a memento._____________________________________Please don t underestimate the power of this simple effect.Where Tarot and the divinationof the future are concerned people become very serious and can take what you do andsay to heart.It is important you treat them with respect and always keep the readingsupbeat and positive.When I am working in a walk around situation Inever use a full deck of Tarot and only carrywith me the 22 major arcana.The cards I useare from a deck of Gilded Tarot and (like thoseof you who use the tarot will understand) ittook me a long time and numerous differentdecks until I found the one I am comfortablewith.I carry the cards in a wallet (Fig.1) with apencil and business cards but that isn timportant to the working of the effect.Fig.1.The wallet with cards, pencil andbusiness cardsWorking1.The cards are removed from the wallet and handed to the client for mixing.This is agenuine shuffle and they can mix them to their hearts content.But here is the small butimportant detail I missed from the effect description.Once the cards are mixed you takethem back, fan through until you locate the Death card, noting and remembering the cardin front of it cut the death card to the face of the deck, which means you have the deathcard on the face of the deck but now know the identity of the top card.If you did this with a standard deck of cards alarm bells would start to sound in theaudiences mind but this isn t a card trick it is a Tarot reading and you have a legitimatereason for fanning through the cards.2.As you fan through and cut the death card to the face, you explain that many people areafraid when the card appears in a reading but that they shouldn t be as it doesn tsymbolize physical death, it simply means a clearing away of the old to make way for thenew.However, you continue, it is up to the client if they wish to leave the death card in thedeck or not.To date I have never had anybody say they want it taking out. Either way take it out or leave it in you then false shuffle the cards keeping the peekedcard on the top of the deck.(I use a simple in jog overhand shuffle but with some of thelarger decks you may need to do a Hindu shuffle).The cards are then handed face down to the client for them to hold between their palmsand meditate on their future.3.At this point you remove a business card and on the blank side write the name of theTarot card on the top of the deck, this is your prediction which you drop face down on thetable.The client is then instructed to deal cards in a face down pile on the table.You need atleast three cards for the reading so once they have dealt about five cards tell them to stopdealing whenever they feel the urge.The predicted card is now on the bottom of the facedown pile so it really doesn t matter when they stop dealing.As soon as they are satisfied you take the remaining cards and instruct them to deal thecards on the table into three separate piles.All you need to do is note which pile the lastcard (the peeked card) is dealt to.You now reach forward and arrange the pilesaround the prediction into the Eternal Trianglemaking sure the pile with the peeked card is atthe top of the triangle in the Future position.(See Fig.2)All that remains is to do the reading startingwith the past, moving on to the present andfinishing with the future.The climax of course is the revelation of theprediction which proves beyond a doubt youhad a vision of the client s future even beforethe reading started.Fig.2.The Eternal Triangle.The top card ofthe future pile is the one which was peekedas the Death card was being cut to the faceof the deck.So there you have it.The effect reads long but the dealing and reading only takes acouple of minutes, you will be amazed at how strong this effect is and it leaves a businesscard with the client which they will show to their friends because of the prediction of thefuture written on the back.I have booked more than a few tarot parties and private gigs on the strength of this effectalone.Website: www.scottcreasey.com Are you a  real mentalist?Barry CooperThe difference between  mentalism and  mental magic (if any) is a controversial issuewhich frequently appears in online discussion groups.My own interpretation is thatmentalism is presentation of mental effects which could be  real  i.e.they resemble genuine paranormal phenomena or parapsychological experiments.Mental magiceffects are therefore those which are obviously unreal, often involving  magic apparatus fake equipment (Henry Hay, The Amateur Magician s Handbook).A good example isSymbold by T A Waters (Mind, Myth and Magick), utilising a large plastic clock dial withgeometrical symbols next to each number.My own Murder by Fruit (in The Linking Ring,January 1999) is also mental magic; this does not use special equipment, but the murder-mystery presentation is both humorous and unlike any real-life situation.Mental magic clearly has its place.It is entertaining, holds spectators attention with visualprops and can be presented with a great deal of humour.But it s not really my thing.So,what are the implications of presenting  real mentalism?PresentationMarvin Kaye, in The Handbook of Mental Magic, suggests that there are two approachesto showmanship for the mentalist  within or outside the  traditional mode.The traditionalmentalist must not seem to be  doing an act , but should appear to be speaking aboutESP off the top of his head, while performing experiments that may or may not work never  tricks [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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