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    .Knowing he no longerneeded to question it, Liam let out the breath he d been holding, but he felt every bit ofthe idiot he d been of late.Marc was open and honest, and every time Marc smiled at him,every time Marc touched him, Liam knew a deeper sense of belonging.Maybe it was timeto own up to it.He reached out and stroked along Marc s arm. I want you, he said, pullingMarc to him, needing him in his arms.Marc was warm and hard and felt perfect.Liam kissed him, threading his fingersthrough Marc s silky hair and holding him close.Marc sighed and slipped his arms aroundLiam s neck. Want to try out the new bed? Marc asked, pulling back slightly.Liam grinned, finally accepting that Marc was here to stay and definitely not goinganywhere, but Liam also had to finally accept that he didn t want him to. Love to. Hegrabbed hold of Marc s hand and dragged him to their bedroom.He pulled off his clothes and watched as Marc started stripping off his, loving everyinch of Marc s toned body as it was revealed.Marc reached for him and not too subtlypushed him down to the bed, then climbed on after him.Confidence and self-assurancepoured from Marc s body as he straddled Liam s hips.Liam moaned and stroked up Marc smuscled thighs.Marc spread his hands over Liam s chest and leaned in for a kiss.Liamopened his mouth, and Marc swept his tongue inside, hot and purposeful while Liam shif-ted his hips trying to get his cock between Marc s ass.Marc moved back and smiled. 126 Penny Brandon I believe it s time for me to do this, he said.Liam had been expecting Marc to want to fuck him, and he knew it would eventuallyhappen, but he wasn t sure he was ready for it right now.However, before he could sayanything, Marc kissed him again. Trust me, Marc whispered against his lips. Like I trust you.With little choice, Liam nodded.Marc smiled in return, then edged farther back andknelt between Liam s thighs. Spread  em, he said, reaching for a bottle of lube sitting onthe bedside table.Compelled to do as he was told, Liam watched, fascinated as Marc covered his fingers,and when Liam submissively lifted his legs and presented himself, Marc swore softy. Fuck, that s hot.Marc s gaze locked with his, the nuances of emotion in them amazing to watch.Themost powerful was his certainty, followed closely by a deep need which easily matchedLiam s own.Marc shifted slightly, then paused only briefly before carefully inserting afinger and unerringly aiming for his prostate.At that first soft touch, the purest, sweetestpleasure pulsed through Liam, and as he groaned, Marc grinned. Oh yeah, that s definitely hot, Marc said, stroking over the spot again.Liam couldn t agree more.He moaned, closing his eyes as Marc gently but confidentlystretched him, readied him.Marc opened him quickly, thrusting fingers deep in preparati-on, and Liam had to admit that Marc had certainly being paying attention when Liam haddone it to him.When he felt Marc move closer, he opened his eyes, then instinctively tensedas Marc readied himself.Marc noticed and instantly stilled. Trust me, he said again, waiting.When Liamnodded, Marc smiled and carefully pushed through the first tight ring of muscle.Liam took him, his tension easing, surprised at how good it was, but he acknowledgedit was only good because this was Marc.He wouldn t have let anyone else do this to him.He hadn t in years.He waited for Marc to push in deeper, sink all the way into him, but Choices 127Marc paused. Gonna try something, Marc said. Something?Marc blushed, the heat coloring his cheeks endearing, especially because Marc hadseemed so confident moments before. Yeah.I ve, um, being doing some research.Liam instantly knew what type Marc was talking about, and he grinned. And whatdid you find? More than I care to mention, but I want to try this, he said.He reached for Liam slegs and after a bit of adjustment, slid in another couple of inches.A light gleamed inMarc s eyes as he glanced up at him. Ready?Liam hadn t got a clue what Marc was going to do so was stunned as Marc grabbed hiscock and held it straight, then bent over and placed his mouth over the plump head.A thickcock in his ass and a hot mouth on his cock at the same time was not something Liam hadever experienced before, and he gasped in both shock and pleasure. Fuck, Marc!Marc didn t answer, unless the shift in his hips and the slick play of his tongue washis way of communication.Liam groaned, and so did Marc, the vibrations sending shockwaves to his balls. Oh God!A grunt accompanied Marc s next thrust of his hips, and within seconds he d startedup a rhythm which had the crown of his cock just edging against the nerve-rich section ofLiam s tight channel while his tongue and lips teased the sensitive head of Liam s cock.Itwas beautiful, incredible, and seriously erotic.Threading his hands through Marc s hair,Liam was careful not to move, knowing Marc didn t have much maneuverability, but itdidn t stop him from groaning, or gasping aloud as the tip of Marc s tongue dipped into theslit of Liam s cock and coaxed out clear drops of precum. Oh, Marc. His body tightened as he accepted the sweet pleasure Marc gave him, lo-sing himself as it spiraled slowly higher.He could come like this, but he didn t know if that 128 Penny Brandonwas Marc s intention. Babe? I m gonna come if you keep that up.Marc s movements continued for a little longer before he released Liam s cock andlooked up, his brown eyes gleaming. That s the idea. You want me to? Yes.Then I m going to fuck you until you come again.The look in Marc s eyes, the tone of his voice, all suggested Marc was deadly serious.Marc knew what he wanted and had every intention of taking it.His attitude sent a tingleup Liam s spine.Marc was in charge right now.Liam knew it, Marc knew it, and that wasthe way Liam wanted it.He nodded, then moaned as Marc took his cock once more.Marc sucked him a little deeper, and Liam knew he wasn t going to be able to hold offfor long.Heat centered and flared.Pleasure pinpointed and spread.The tingle which hadlodged in the small of his back now stretched to the rest of his body [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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