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    .All commands can be reached easily via the menus.One of the things you candefine using the File menu Options command is which tests are to be carriedout.The changes in the settings are saved by clicking on the Apply button andthe window is then closed.Nero Nero Toolkit " 105 More information on Nero CD-DVD Speed and Nero DriveSpeed can be foundon the website WWW.CDSpeed2000.com.You will find many useful tips onusing the program as well as the latest versions of the program.11.2 Nero DriveSpeedYou can use Nero DriveSpeed to set the read speed of CD drives alreadyinstalled.The program is in the Nero Toolkit and is started as follows: Start >Programs > Ahead Nero > Nero Toolkit > Nero DriveSpeed.This program is a component part of Nero because the noises it produces asdrive speed increases had become louder and louder and we needed a programwhich could deal with this problem.If a program does not take long to load thenoise level of the drive might not be an issue but with constant access to a CDthis will be perceived as interference.However a brake can be installed simplyby setting the read speed.Another problem which is particularly annoying when using game CDs/DVDsarises from the shutting down of the drive motor and the slow restarting of themotor which can lead, on the one hand, to the program freezing for a short timeand, on the other hand, to some drives supplying incorrect data during startup.By using Nero SpeedDrive you can avoid this problem and define the spindown time, i.e.the empty running time, according to which the drive sets therotation.The "program" icon appears in the tray icon field in the task bar after startup,usually at the lower right edge of the screen.11.2.1 Using Nero DriveSpeed1.Double click on the program icon for Nero DriveSpeed.If you have not yetset speed parameters for the recognized drives a dialog box appears askingyou to set the parameters by clicking on the OK button.2.As the window appears click on the Autodetect button to have the speedsettings of Nero DriveSpeed detected.If too many speeds (more than 6)have been detected those not required may be deleted.This is done byselecting and clicking on the Remove button.In the "Language" sector youmay define the language in which entries are to appear.3.Click on the OK button to save the settings and close the sector.4.Define the read speed of the drive by clicking on the drop down button andselecting the desired speed.5.By clicking on the drop down button and selecting the desired spin down timeyou can define the empty run time by which the drive is to set the rotation(default setting: 2 minutes)6.In the three control boxes define whether Nero Drive SpeedWill be started when the computer is booted upWill be started and minimizedThe last saved values are to be used when booting up.Nero Nero Toolkit " 106 7.Click on the Close button to minimize the program.This means that theprogram is not ended but the program icon appears in the tray icon field.It is possible to make amendments to the possible speed settings and languageafter clicking on the Options button.Define DriveSpeed settings for anotherdrive by clicking on the drop down button and selecting the desired drive.More information on Nero CD-DVD Speed and Nero DriveSpeed can be foundon the website WWW.CDSpeed2000.com.Here you will find many useful tipson the use of the program as well as the latest versions of the program.11.3 Nero InfoToolThis tool is not always included in the Nero Toolkit and may be downloadedseparately free of charge from http://www.cdspeed2000.com.This program will provide you with very useful information on:All CD/DVD drives or recorders installed.Amongst other things it will tell youwhich read and write functions the recorder supports and the modessupported when burning, such as DAO, SAO, RAW and much more.Discs insertedHard disks installedBurn software installedNero Nero Toolkit " 107 12 Miscellaneous12.1 Virus CheckerThe Virus Checker is only available with the retail version of Nero.For safety reasons, an antivirus program has been integrated into Nero, whichchecks the data to be written onto the CD in order to ensure that no files withviruses are included on the CD.You can keep the antivirus database, which isthe key part of any antivirus software, constantly updated via the Internet.12.1.1 Updating the database1.Set up an Internet connection.2.Start Nero.3.Choose Update Antivirus scanner from the Help menu.4.In the dialog box which appears, click on OK to start the update.A link iscreated to the FTP server and the database is automatically updated.Afterthe update has been successfully completed, you will see a message tellingyou that the database is now up-to-date.5.Click on the OK button to close the dialog box [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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