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." Click the Scene button in the upper left corner of the document window." Click the Edit Scene button in the upper right corner of the document windowand choose a scene from the menu.230 Chapter 10Converting animation on the Stage into a movie clipIf you ve created an animated sequence on the Stage and want to reuse it elsewherein the movie, or if you want to manipulate it as an instance, you can select it andsave it as a movie clip symbol.To convert animation on the Stage into a movie clip:1 On the main Timeline, select every frame in every layer of the animation on theStage that you want to use.2 Do one of the following to copy the frames:" Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) any selected frame andchoose Copy Frames from the context menu." Choose Edit > Copy Frames.3 Deselect your selection and make sure nothing on the Stage is selected.ChooseInsert > New Symbol.4 In the Symbol Properties dialog box, name the symbol.For Behavior, chooseMovie Clip, then click OK.Flash opens a new symbol for editing in symbol-editing mode.5 On the Timeline, click Frame 1 on Layer 1, and choose Edit > Paste Frames.This pastes the frames you copied from the main Timeline to the Timeline ofthis movie clip symbol.Any animation, buttons, or interactivity from theframes you copied now becomes an independent animation (a movie clipsymbol) that you can reuse throughout your movie.6 Do one of the following to exit symbol-editing mode:" Choose Edit > Edit Movie." Click the Scene button in the upper left corner of the document window." Click the Edit Scene button in the upper right corner of the document windowand choose a scene from the menu.7 Delete the animation from the main movie Timeline by selecting every framein every layer of the animation and choosing Insert > Remove Frame.Using Symbols and Instances 231Duplicating symbolsDuplicating a symbol lets you use an existing symbol as a starting point forcreating a new symbol.To duplicate a symbol:1 Select a symbol in the Library window.2 Do one of the following to duplicate the symbol:" Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Macintosh) and choose Duplicatefrom the context menu." Choose Duplicate from the Library Options menu.Creating instancesOnce you ve created a symbol, you can create instances of that symbol whereveryou like throughout the movie, including inside other symbols.To create a new instance of a symbol:1 Select a layer in the Timeline.Flash can place instances only in keyframes, always on the current layer.If youdon t select a keyframe, the instance will be added to the first keyframe to theleft of the current frame.2 Choose Window > Library to open the library.3 Drag the symbol from the library to the Stage.4 If you created an instance of a graphic symbol, choose Insert > Frame to addthe number of frames that will contain the graphic symbol.After creating an instance of a symbol, use the Instance panel (Windows >Panels > Instance) to specify color effects, assign actions, set the graphic displaymode, or change the behavior of the instance.The behavior of the instance is thesame as the symbol behavior, unless you specify otherwise.Any changes you makeaffect only the instance and not the symbol.See Changing the color andtransparency of an instance on page 241.232 Chapter 10Creating buttonsButtons are actually four-frame interactive movie clips.When you select thebutton behavior for a symbol, Flash creates a Timeline with four frames.The firstthree frames display the button s three possible states; the fourth frame defines theactive area of the button.The Timeline doesn t actually play; it simply reacts topointer movement and actions by jumping to the appropriate frame.To make a button interactive in a movie, you place an instance of the buttonsymbol on the Stage and assign actions to the instance.The actions must beassigned to the instance of the button in the movie, not to frames in thebutton s Timeline.Each frame in the Timeline of a button symbol has a specific function:" The first frame is the Up state, representing the button whenever the pointer isnot over the button." The second frame is the Over state, representing the button s appearance whenthe pointer is over it." The third frame is the Down state, representing the button s appearance asit is clicked." The fourth frame is the Hit state, defining the area that will respond to themouse click.This area is invisible in the movie.Typical contents of the Up, Over, and Down and Hit frames (combined in thethird frame)For an interactive lesson on creating buttons in Flash, choose Help >Lessons > Buttons.Using Symbols and Instances 233To create a button:1 Choose Edit > Deselect All to ensure that nothing is selected on the Stage.2 Choose Insert > New Symbol, or press Control+F8 (Windows) orCommand+F8 (Macintosh).To create the button, you convert the button frames to keyframes.3 In the Symbol Properties dialog box, enter a name for the new button symbol,and for Behavior choose Button.Flash switches to symbol-editing mode.The Timeline header changes todisplay four consecutive frames labeled Up, Over, Down, and Hit.The firstframe, Up, is a blank keyframe.4 To create the Up state button image, use the drawing tools, import a graphic,or place an instance of another symbol on the Stage.You can use a graphic or movie clip symbol in a button, but you cannot useanother button in a button
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