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    .Excepting, therefore, that people who havefew visitors never ask any one on their general list, and that thosewho fill an enormous house time and time again necessarily do, theetiquette, manners, guest room appointments and the people whooccupy them, are precisely the same.Popular opinion to the contrary,a man s social position is by no means proportionate to the size of hishouse, and even though he lives in a bungalow, he may have everybit as high a position in the world of fashion as his rich neighbor inGet any book for free on: www.Abika.com ETIQUETTE IN SOCIETY, IN BUSINESS, IN POLITICS AND AT HOME309bit as high a position in the world of fashion as his rich neighbor inhis palace often much better!3We all of us know a Mr.Newgold who would give many of thetreasures in his marble palace for a single invitation to Mrs.Oldname s comparatively little house, and half of all he possesses forthe latter s knowledge, appearance, manner, instincts and positionnone of which he himself is likely ever to acquire, though hischildren may! But in our description of great or medium or smallhouses, we are considering those only whose owners belong equallyto best society and where, though luxuries vary from the greatest tothe least, house appointments are in essentials alike.4This is a rather noteworthy fact: all people of good position talkalike, behave alike and live alike.Ill-mannered servants, incorrectliveries or service, sloppily dished food, carelessness in any of thedetails that to well-bred people constitute the decencies of living, areno more tolerated in the smallest cottage than in the palace.But sincethe biggest houses are those which naturally attract most attention,suppose we begin our detailed description with them.5HOUSE PARTY OF MANY GUESTSPerhaps there are ten or perhaps there are forty guests, but if therewere only two or three, and the house a little instead of a big one, thedetails would be precisely the same.6A week-end means from Friday afternoon or from Saturday lunch toMonday morning.The usual time chosen for a house party is over aholiday, particularly where the holiday falls on a Friday or Monday,so that the men can take a Saturday off, and stay from Friday toTuesday, or Thursday to Monday.7On whichever day the party begins, everyone arrives in theneighborhood of five o clock, or a day later at lunch time.Manycome in their own cars, the others are met at the station sometimesby the host or a son, or, if it is to be a young party, by a daughter.Thehostess herself rarely, if ever, goes to the station, not because ofindifference or discourtesy but because other guests coming by motormight find the house empty.8It is very rude for a hostess to be out when her guests arrive.Evensome one who comes so often as to be entirely at home, is apt to feeldispirited upon being shown into an empty house.Sometimes aguest s arrival unwelcomed can not be avoided; if, for instance, aman invited for tennis week or a football or baseball game, arrivesbefore the game is over but too late to join the others at the sport.9When younger people come to visit the daughters, it is notnecessary that their mother stay at home, since the daughters takeGet any book for free on: www.Abika.com ETIQUETTE IN SOCIETY, IN BUSINESS, IN POLITICS AND AT HOME310necessary that their mother stay at home, since the daughters taketheir mother s place.Nor is it necessary that she receive the menfriends of her son, unless the latter for some unavoidable reason, isabsent.10No hostess must ever fail to send a car to the station or boat landingfor every one who is expected.If she has not conveyances enough ofher own, she must order public ones and have the fares charged toherself.11GREETING OF THE HOSTThe host always goes out into the front hall and shakes hands withevery one who arrives [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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