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    .None ofthem liked Brandt, but he didn t care.Kai hadn t spoken to him since he dtold him it was over.A few of the others had asked him for a night in bedtogether, but with not knowing when Brandt was leaving, he d wanted tospend all that time in his arms.He hadn t regretted it.* * * *29 Heal My Wolf Eden ColeBrandt headed up the walk that led to Devin and Corey s office.Herolled his shoulders trying to loosen the muscles, but they refused to let goof the knot between them. We need to see my alphas first to be sure youcan stay, Brandt said.Under normal circumstances, any mate or potential mate was acceptedwith a minimal interview, but this was different.He knew that.Admittingwhat Tyr was would be hard, that is if they didn t already know.Corey sperception continued to amaze them all.When they drew up to the steps, Tyr jogged ahead of Brandt andopened the door for him.Brandt smiled.As he walked by, he locked hisfingers with Tyr s and pulled him in behind.Inside the office, Devin andCorey looked over at them.Both men s expressions were likethunderclouds, but Brandt didn t think it had anything to do with him orTyr.They d been arguing if he didn t miss his guess. Corey, he began, not sure if this was a good time. I wanted tointroduce my& lover. Your lover! Devin bellowed.He eyed Corey and then grinned,walking over.Behind him, Corey frowned.Devin stuck his hand out. I m Devin, one of Brandt s alphas.That smy mate behind me.Corey.And your name is?The way Devin eyed Tyr like he was a piece of prime rib grated onBrandt s nerves, but he kept his lips shut and didn t move.Even whenDevin took a step too close to Tyr and leaned in to breathe in his scent.Tyr spoke his own name clearly, and from the look of him Brandt didn tthink he was afraid or intimidated.Then he remembered that bastard Kai.Tyr must be used to the posturing of dominant types. Mm, you have an unusual scent, Devin commented. What is that?He raised a hand to touch Tyr s hair and paused to look at Brandt.Onlythen did Brandt realize he d begun to growl. You said lover, didn t you, Brandt? Corey asked when he walkedup.He shook Tyr s hand. Not mate.30 Heal My Wolf Eden ColeBrandt knew what Corey was getting at.He was getting worked upover someone who would share his bed for a little while, and then he dmove on.That wasn t something to piss off his alpha for. Not mate, he agreed through clenched teeth.But Corey was angry too.Devin seemed determined to make himjealous for whatever reason.He d never seen them play those games.Theywere the closest mates he d ever encountered, even to the point offinishing each other s sentences and spending every waking momenttogether.What could have caused them to fight? Excuse us, will you, Tyr? Corey said. I need to talk to Brandt.Tyr glanced at him, and Brandt nodded. Remember the cabin Ishowed you? That s where I live.Wait for me there.I won t be long. Hedidn t want to kiss Tyr in front of them, or they d guess his feelings wentdeeper than they should.But Tyr had no such hang-ups.He stepped closeto Brandt until their bodies just brushed and kissed his lips.Brandt s cocktented his jeans, and Tyr walked out of the office with more than Brandt seyes on his ass.Devin grinned. I think I ll make sure he finds his way okay. Hedisappeared out the door, and jealousy tightened Brandt s chest.He spun to face Corey. I wanted to update you on the land you sentme to scout. Forget that for now, Corey interrupted.He walked over to his deskand leaned on it, crossing his legs at the ankles and folding his arms acrosshis chest.He focused on the floor, a furrow in his brow as if he searchedfor the right words. About Corrin.Brandt stiffened. I know you had a brief thing with her, and I suspect you ve beenthinking about taking it further, possibly committing.I sent you away soDevin and I could talk with her.Brandt couldn t help his anger. What you re getting at is you re goingto take her for yourself, aren t you? I ve heard the talk.Everyone feels youshould lead the way in growing our pack by having your own offspring.So you chose to fuck your mate s sister [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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