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    .These nets support day-to-day Deployed with a Corps.The MEF (FWD) planning among these agencies.The SALTs possesses CAS-capable aircraft and the and FCTs maintain communications on the means to coordinate and control those SALT Local (VHF) and NGF Ground Spot aircraft.Except in exceptional circumstances, (HF) Nets.The SALT at the battalion FSEMarine aviation remains under the OPCONmonitors any requests for NSFs on the NGFof the MAGTF commander.Chapter VIIGround Spot Net and coordinates as addresses procedures for requesting airnecessary with the BLT.Figure V-7support when the MEF (FWD) requires illustrates general support naval gunfire support that exceeds the capability of the requests at the DRB level.MEF (FWD) ACE.Army personnel also request and conduct f.Naval Surface Fire Support of the DRB.fire support missions using naval gunfire in the absence of ANGLICO personnel.The (1) Procedures during Amphibiousnaval gunfire communications interface Assaults.During amphibious phases of a includes a designated naval gunfire ground joint operation, a naval task force provides spot net with a frequency of 2-30 MHz HF.interface with the DRB FSE through the Compatible communications equipment ship-based supporting arms coordination includes: USMC—PRC-104, GRC-193, MRC-center (SACC).The SACC is responsible for 138; USA—GRC-106, GRC-193, and Single-coordinating all fires during the assault.To channel Ground and Airborne System facilitate the coordination of fires in support (SINCGARS) family of radios; USAF—PRC-of the landing force assault to shore, the 104, MRC-107/108, GRC-206.SACC augments with personnel andequipment from the MAGTF FFCC and the g.Naval Air Support of the DRB.Navy senior GCE FSCC.Normal coordination is aircraft provide support to the DRB when through the Artillery Command Fire (CF) or available.The primary missions of Navy Fire Direction (FD) Nets.The Landing Force aircraft are fleet air defense and offensive Fire Support Coordination Net (HF) can attack.When designated to support the DRB, serve as a backup.To minimize dependence Navy aircraft are placed in a general aircraft on ship-to-shore communications and sortie pool for tasking by the Navy TACC.because higher echelons may not be ashore, Communications and control of Navy aircraft units conduct lateral coordination when fires are the same as for Air Force aircraft.Air clearance must be obtained from only one interdiction (AI) sorties are tasked by the other landing force unit.When ashore and Navy TACC.CAS sorties require the same prepared, the FFCC assumes responsibility positive control as Air Force CAS during the for fire support coordination from the SACC.actual strike.As with Air Force CAS, the Air The change in responsibility depends on Force FAC, ANGLICO, or Army FISTwhich agency possesses the best capability provide the required control.The DRB must to coordinate and is contingent on the be operating in an AOA or receiving its V-16primary tactical air support from the Navy.(FWD) fights as part of a corps.The table In this case, the naval air commander would assumes the artillery battalion performs a likely be the air component commander.An tactical mission of direct support for the Army battlefield coordination element (BCE) MEF’s (FWD) GCE.However, there may be may be required to deploy to the CATF’s occasions (e.g., when the MEF [FWD] is TACC to perform the full functional interface assigned a reserve mission) when the and coordination as it does with the Air Force assignment of reinforcing, general support air operations center (AOC).reinforcing, or general support missions may be appropriate.h.ArtilleryCommunications.Theartillery unit’s ability to communicate is arguably the greatest single factor in (2) MEF (FWD) under MEF (FWD)determining whether or not the unit willControl.Table V-9 identifies the externalaccomplish its mission.The discussion below nets the DRB’s supporting artillery battalion defines the external operating nets for the must operate in when the DRB fights as part artillery battalions supporting the MEFof a MEF (assuming artillery regimental (FWD) when operating with a corps and for headquarters is present).The table presumes the DRB when operating with a MEFthe artillery battalion will only perform a respectively:tactical mission of direct support for the DRB.However, there may be occasions (e.g., when (1) MEF (FWD) Under Corps Control.the DRB is assigned a reserve mission) whenTable V-8 identifies the external nets thatthe assignment of reinforcing, general the MEF’s (FWD) supporting M 198 artillery support reinforcing, or general support battalion must operate in when the MEFmissions may be appropriate.V-17V-18 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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