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    ."He is His Highness King Llyr Aleyn Galatyn, you ignorant Maja wench," a female voice spatimpatiently."Lord of the Cachamwri Sidhe."With an effort, Erin looked for the source of all that anger.Her blurring eyes slid in and out offocus before they locked on a tiny figure hovering just above her head.A woman, barely the heightof her hand, with elegant butterfly wings that shed sparks of energy with each slow beat, and hairas pink as cotton candy.Erin's failing brain suddenly produced a meaning for the tiny woman's sentence.She returned herattention to the angel."So you're ?" But her vocal cords couldn't seem to manage the rest.He smiled."King of the fairies.Yes, I'm afraid so." CHAPTER TWELVE«^»Erin blinked up at the fairy king.As she watched, his face seemed to recede.She felt so weak,everything seemed more like a dream than reality.And the idea of a fairy king was prettydreamlike as it was.She licked her dry lips."Liked you better& as an angel." Her eyes drifted closed."Are you that ready for your heaven?"The snap in his voice made her lids flutter up.Anger, perversely, made him even morebreathtaking as it sharpened his arrogant male beauty.Erin gazed up at him in wordless admiration.The universe seemed to revolve around her once, with his handsome face as the pivot."I said, are you that ready to die?" He gritted the words through his teeth."My Liege, you can't mean to save her!" The tiny fairy woman zipped back and forth over Erin'schest.The sparks from her wings turned bright red as she flew."I told you what I saw in myvision.We'll all be better off if she dies!"The king's gold brows lowered, but he didn't even glance at the hostile little fairy."Do you wantto live?"Did she? It would be so much easier to simply float away on this pleasant wave of numbness.Nomore hopeless battle with a demon, no more worry about possibly homicidal witches.But Reece would be left alone.Erin remembered the expression on his face when he'd flunghimself at the window the angry desperation that had been more than the need to stop Geirolf.He'd wanted so badly to save her.She could almost feel the warm strength of his big body moving against hers, the heated silk ofhis lips on her mouth.To touch him again, kiss him again that was a reason to live.She opened her dry mouth and forced out the words."Help me& live."Triumph flashed over the Sidhe king's face.Strong arms closed around her, lifting her from thebracken as his face swooped down.Instinctively she tried to turn her head, but his mouth hadalready closed over hers.His lips felt hot against her chilled skin.And then they got even hotter.Erin sucked in a breath, and it was like inhaling fire.Somethingrushed from his mouth into hers in a flaming wave, pulsing down her throat and into her lungs.Shescreamed weakly into his mouth, but he didn't stop kissing her as he forced the blazing energydeep.It swelled inside her like a fireball, driving her failing heart into a frantic pounding, sending hotblood surging through her veins until it seemed every cell in her body lit up like a Christmas tree. A burning Christmas tree.She screamed again as her body convulsed in his arms, writhing against him.Then, between one gasping breath and the next, the fire changed, metamorphosing from burningpain to blazing pleasure.Erin felt her nipples harden against his chest.And she felt Llyr hardeningtoo, a thick, demanding ridge growing against her belly.Somewhere inside her, something cried out in wordless protest.No matter how handsome hewas, no matter how powerful he was, he wasn't Reece.Instinctively she began to struggle, but she couldn't break Llyr's grip.The scent of Sidhe hung on the ground.Nose down, Reece followed it in wolf form as fast as hedared.He wanted to break into a lope, but he was afraid of overshooting the trail.The only question was, would they save her? The Sidhe were an unpredictable lot at best, touchyand proud.And given that Lance had told him the Majae's Council had recently insulted King Llyryet again, they might be even less inclined to help.But he'd damn well talk them into it.Somehow.He wasn't going to let her die.The scent trail intensified, riding the wind.They Were close now.Reece wanted to bay like thewolf he'd become as he lifted his head and broke into a full run, following the shimmering, woodsyscent.Even as he raced over the leaves, he realized his surroundings looked familiar [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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