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    .For example, if we returnhome late at night feeling very hungry and we find there's not much food in thehouse, we might say "Ah, well, we'll just have to make the best of what there is".Inother words, we'll have to be content with what there is, and do the best we can withit.965 WHEN DO WE USE THE EXPRESSIONS "MAKE THE BEST OF" OR "MAKETHE MOST OF" ?/ We use the.when things are not exactlyas we would like them to beGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE, PLEASE! If we hadn't very much money, we might say"Ah, well, we'll just have to make the most of what we've got"WHICH MEANS? To be content.REPORT świadectwo REPORTER HEADMISTRESS MISBEHAVIOURwezwać, raport reporter dyrektorka szkoły złe zachowanieHAPPENING wydarzenieIF YOUR SCHOOL REPORT IS (OR WAS) GOOD (OR BAD) WHAT DO (ORDID) YOUR PARENTS SAY ? If my school report.my parents.HAVE YOU EVER BEEN (OR WERE YOU EVER) REPORTED TO THE HEAD-MASTER (OR HEADMISTRESS) OF YOUR SCHOOL FOR MISBEHAVIOUR ?/Yes, I've sometimes been.or.No, I've never.966 WHAT'S A NEWSPAPER REPORTER'S JOB? A newspaper reporter's job is toreport the news, events and happenings of the daySET JET SMART WELL-DRESSEDzestaw, komplet odrzutowiec elegancki dobrze ubranyThe word "set" as a noun can mean a group of people or things.For example, the "jetset" is a set of very rich people who do a lot of travelling by jet aeroplane, or the"smart set" is a group of people who are rich and well-dressed.For things, we canhave a set of tea-cups, that is cups all of the same kind, or a set of stamps, or knives,or false teeth, etc./WHAT DOES THE WORD "SET" MEAN AS A NOUN ? The word "set" as anoun means a group of people or things GIVE ME SOME EXAMPLES, PLEASE!.young set.set of handkerchiefs.TRACK RUNNING-TRACK PRINT RAILWAY-TRACK RUNślad bieżnia odcisk szyny kolejowe biegaćHOW IS A TRACK MADE? A track is made by people or animals constantlywalking over the same piece of groundWHAT'S A RUNNING-TRACK? A running-track is a track we find in a sportsfield, used for foot races.967 WHAT ARE RAILWAY-TRACKS ?/ Railway-tracks are the lines on whichtrains run.HOW CAN WE TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TRACKS OF AHORSE AND THOSE OF A COW ? We can tell the difference.by the prints.The prints left by a horse are round like a horseshoe,whilst those of a cow are split down the middle.HOW DO THE POLICE TRACK A MURDERER? The police track a murderermainly by asking people questions.ALIKE podobni LIKE EACH OTHER podobniWHAT CAN WE SAY INSTEAD OF "THEY ARE LIKE EACH OTHER" ?/We can say "They are alike" instead of "They are like each other"WHAT CAN WE SAY INSTEAD OF "THIS BOOK'S LIKE THAT BOOK" ?We can say "These two books are alike" instead of "This book's like that book"PACKAGE PACKET STRINGpakunek, paczka paczka sznurekA package and a parcel are more or less the same thing, though a parcel we think ofmore as being tied with string.A packet, on the other hand, we generally think ofas being a small package, or a container for something we buy, like cigarettes.968 WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A PACKAGE, A PARCEL AND APACKET ?/ The difference.is that.CAMP obóz TENT namiotWHAT DO WE CALL A GROUP OF ARMY TENTS IN A FIELD? We call agroup of.a camp RAKE 2500 grabieDESCRIBE A RAKE.A rake's rather like a fork, or the spread fingers of a humanhand, on the end of a stick.We use it, for example, in thegarden for collecting dead leaves togetherSADDLE siodłoWHAT'S A SADDLE? A saddle is a thing, usually made of leather, used asa seat on a horse or on a bicycleMESSAGE VIA ORAL MESSENGERwiadomość przez ustny posłaniecHOW DO WE SEND A MESSAGE ? We send a message either in written formor orally, via a messenger; or even via a pigeon969 DICTATION 84It was thus decided/ that the best plan/ would be to find/ some kind of natural harbour/along the coast,/ protected perhaps by some high cliffs,/ and leave the boat there./ It wasclear/ that both nephew and niece/ worshipped their uncle./ War was declared/ and allforeigners were seized/ by the police/ and thrown into prison./ The student's lodgingswere very poor./ His room was furnished/ with just a bed,/ table, chair/ and a shelf for hisbooks./ The student himself was so poor/ that he scarcely had the money/ to buy stamps/for any letters/ he might need to write.LESSON 146BEAT - BEAT - BEATEN bić, pobićWHAT AM I DOING ? You're beating your pen on the edge of the tableDOES YOUR TOWN USUALLY GET BEATEN AT FOOTBALL?Yes, my town.or.No, my town.CHIEF CHIEFLY TRIBEwódz, główny głównie, przede wszystkim plemięWHAT DO YOU FIND TO BE THE CHIEF DIFFICULTY FOR YOU INLEARNING ENGLISH ?/ I find the chief.to be.CAN YOU THINK OF THE NAMES OF ANY CHIEFS OF RED INDIANTRIBES ? Yes, I can think of.Geronimo, Sitting Bull.970 HOW DO YOU CHIEFLY SPEND YOUR FREE TIME ? I chiefly spend my freetime.reading, watching TV. DISAPPOINT rozczarować DISAPPOINTMENT rozczarowanieARE YOU EASILY DISAPPOINTED? Yes, I'm easily disappointed.or.No, I'm not.WHAT'S THE BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT YOU'VE EVER SUFFERED INYOUR LIFE?/ The biggest disappointment.was when.FINE SUPERIOR REFINE(D)rafinowany, pierwszorzędny, wyższy, oczyszczać, rafinowaćSKILL SKILLED APPROVAL ADMIRATIONzręczność, wprawa wykwalifikowany aprobata podziwThe word "fine" means 1) superior or highly refined, e.g.fine gold, 2) delicate, smallor thin, e.g.fine thread, 3) highly skilled e.g [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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