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    .If you are both good players, say with ratings above 1200, it is then agood idea to congratulate your opponent and resign.However, you should only resign if youare sure that you have no resources and could easily win if you had the opponent s position.Knowing that your opponent can easily win means that you have examined the position andknow exactly how you would play the game to get checkmating material if you had youropponent s position.If you are not certain you see both the plan and the moves, play on soyou learn.As a starting player is it very important you play as much chess as possible.By resigning tooearly, you miss the opportunity to exercise your mind and build your playing and analysisskills.Another important reason to continue is to improve your ability to fight when yourposition is bad and you are discouraged.The ability to continue to work hard to find aresource when your position is bad is one mark of top players.And remember, you may nothave evaluated the position correctly or missed a resource.Therefore, if you are going to err,err on the side of resigning too late or not at all.Even grandmasters can make the mistake of resigning too early.In Henry Hunvald s bookChess Quotations from the Masters there are a couple of good quotes to keep in mind whenthinking about resigning.GM Klaus Darga said  My God, I have a winning position amoment after resigning.Savielly Tartakover said,  Nobody ever won by resigning. Finally,keep in mind that we are a community of people who enjoy our game and want to see othersplay and enjoy chess.As a beginner, more experienced players will teach you and not becritical when you don t play well or don t resign.Keep this in mind as you become better andshow the same patience for your beginning opponents.© 2007 Bruce Pandolfini.All Rights Reserved.Yes, I have a question for Bruce![ChessCafe Home Page] [Book Review] [Columnists][Endgame Study][Skittles Room] [Archives][Links] [Online Bookstore] [About ChessCafe] [Contact Us]© 2007 CyberCafes, LLC.All Rights Reserved."ChessCafe.com®" is a registered trademark of Russell Enterprises, Inc [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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