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    .Then open(sequentially or nested).61.Top view.Sink the tip onout the tip into a 3-sidedArrowhead complete.the crease just made (keepingpyramid, the 2 front right edgesthe double-edge together).kept together.tweezershelp63.Reverse-fold the corner back up, tucking62.Back to a frontinto the tiny pocket.These steps achieve aview.Reverse-foldclosed sink more easily.Repeat 60-63 onnested corner down.the right point of the heart.64.Model complete.Bend arrow head andtail outwards where they emerge from the heart.There are unfortunately 2 separate points at the bottom of the heart, but this does help the modelstand up a little better.And though I regret the two-tone harlequin-esque finish, it s not as glaringwith a real dollar bill as in these diagrams.(I regard these shortcomings as the price of achievingmy self-imposed goal: the arrow shaft emerges from under the planes of the heart.) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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