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    .IM Guy Westack in theof studying in order to become a highly paid loyer.nagging doubt that changes slowly to certainty, but to most of us at some timeor another comes the realisation that we will never be world champion at chess.accurate.All in all it does appear that this quote holds true and is not busted.64 Chess Humour Over the chessboard lies and hypocrisy do not survive long.The creativecombination lays bare the presumption of a lie.The merciless fact, culminat-ing in checkmate, contradicts the hypocrite. (Dr Emmanual Lasker) One town s very like another, when Chess is the creation of a workyour head s down over your piecesof art, out of the demands ofbrother.(From  Chess the musical.)White like Day and Night.) Could we look into the head There are two classes of people, thoseof a chessplayer we shouldwho are content to yield to circumstancesee there a whole world ofand who play cards, and those who aimfeelings, images, ideas, emo-to control circumstances and who playtion and passion.chess. (Mortimer Collins)(Alfred Binet.)with a powerful electron microscope.strategy tips.65 Chess Humour By hook or by crook, connect your rooks. Castle as early and asoften as possible.lay castling the more it surprises your Investigate all checks and captures.multaneously losing on time and fallingthe move you want to play.Analysis will only ruin things by showingbackwards off his chair.that almost any other move is better. When you have more space, Flank attacks should be metdon t exchange pieces.by a central counterattack.worded piece of advice would have noted such obvieffective response. Rook on seventh rank,money in the bank.  Rooks belong behindpassed pawns.the passed pawn of your opponent this advice is obviously silly. Passed pawns should be pushed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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