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    .without protest.It is insult added to injury when the FDAUnlike the proponents of orthodox medicine who publishfinances and encourages the wider use of these killer-drugs whilereams of statistics on just about everything, the proponents ofat the same time forbidding doctors to experiment withvitamin therapy are extremely reluctant to speak in these terms.Laetrile which is known to be at least a thousand times lessAt first this may appear as a lack of confidence on their part or,toxic on the absurd contention that it has not yet been proven toeven worse, as an indication that they really don't have any solidbe safe! None of the FDA-approved cancer drugs has been provenevidence to back up their claims.Their reluctance, however, isto be safe, and most of them, quite to the contrary, have beenwell-founded.proven to be extremely unsafe.And the American Cancer SocietyThe first reason is that, in order to have statistics from whichhas the gall to label the use of Laetrile as "a new dimension ofmeaningful comparisons can be made, there has to be a controlmurder," when, in reality, it is they and their worthless, unprovengroup.In other words, it would be necessary for those whonostrums that truly have earned that epithet.believe in vitamin therapy to accept cancer patients but then notto treat some of them or to treat them with orthodox therapies.This, of course, to the physicians involved would be tantamountto murder, and they could not participate in it.These men have1.Ibid., pp.273, 274.already witnessed the tragic results of orthodox therapies on A STATISTICAL COMPARISON 167166 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part Onewho claim that breathing saved their lives.Of course, it savedpatients who come to them as a last resort.To ask these physi-their lives.But anyone who didn't believe it could find a hundredcians to assign some of their patients to a continuation of thoseplausible explanations as to why something other than oxygentreatments would be like asking them to place a hot poker onwas responsible for their being alive.human flesh to see if it would cause burns and pain.And yet, notDr.Richardson also advised strongly against using statistics,to set up such control groups would leave an opening for theand then added:claim that, if the patient recovers, it could be due to other causesBut this is a vitamin and enzyme deficiency disease.We dare notsuch as "spontaneous regression" or "delayed response of thetalk about five-year survivals when we are really talking aboutorthodox treatments."100% survival with prophylaxis [prevention].When you start killingAnother fact is that, even if control groups were to be set up, itpeople with radiomimetic insults to their bodies you're talkingwould be impossible to make sure that they were meaningful.about radiation deaths, not deaths from cancer.There are so many variables in such factors as location of cancer,There are several other reasons for not using their false anddegree of metastasis, dietary background, hereditary charac-misleading yardstick.One is that this yardstick is not applied toteristics, emotional state, age, sex, general health, medical history,vitamin deficiency diseases.Later on when B17 is accepted.weenvironment, and so on.Almost any of these variables could be may appear the fool by having cheapened our presentation byacquiescing in the use of the yardstick.Anyone who begins to seeclaimed as reasons for invalidating the statistics.the vitamin aspect soon realizes that it is like measuring water andWhenever the proponents of vitamin therapy have attemptedsteel with the same clumsy apparatus.(1)to offer surveys of their clinical results, the proponents ofThe reluctance to deal in statistics on the part of proponents oforthodox medicine have condemned them because their studiesvitamin therapy is based upon a respect for scientific truth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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