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    .The earth spirit has power and it has also Light of the Intelligence which itgets from human beings; it is that Light which is the intelligence in nature usuallycalled God, and which guides the power in the actions of ants, bees, beavers and birdsin their building, and which is the instinct of all animals.This is so with wild animals;with domestic animals, especially dogs and horses there is another factor.It is that the domesticated animal, by direct contact with human beings, comesunder the influence of their thoughts and their thinking.According to the typal formof the animal and the kind of feeling and desire animating it, it responds to the thoughts and psychic atmospheres of the humans.For instance, the desire animating adog form is that portion of a doer which responds more readily to the diffused Lightof the Intelligence in the human beings with whom the lot of the dog is cast, than doesthe desire in the form of a wolf.Therefore also a dog seeks human companionship.The desire of that dog can do no thinking, but responds to the thinking, feeling andintention of his master.So a dog may know the hour or day when his master willcome and where to look for him.No matter how intelligent animals may seem, theyare not intelligent in the degree of being able to think.They are only human desiresand feelings in animal forms, and when the desire and feeling are in an animal formthey do not mix with the Light of an Intelligence.While human desires are in all animal forms, they are with few exceptions not inplant forms and they are in no mineral forms, not even in crystals.However, all formsin the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms are exteriorizations of human thoughts, andit remains to be shown in what manner these exteriorizations as forms are made.SECTION 13History of the kingdoms of nature.Creation by breath and speech.Thinkingunder the type of two.The human body is the pattern of the kingdoms of nature.The intelligence in nature.Through all ages, Triune Selves have, by the breath and power of speech throughthe doers' bodies, maintained or changed the kingdoms of nature.When the doers in their perfect states wanted to produce things, they thoughtthem and breathed them into physical existence.They knew what they wanted, andthey knew what they were doing when they thought.The Light of the Intelligenceunited with the desire of the doer into a thought, about which they continued to think.That thought was a sound, but was not, had not, and did not make vibrations.However, when it passed into the form world it caused vibrations in matter which itaffected.This vibrating matter built out the form; then the final word breathedconsolidated the vibrating mass into the form of the thinking or of the thought in thephysical world.So all things physical came through the power of words, andcontinued in the world until they were spoken out of existence.They could not decay,could not be knocked apart.A word of dissolution had to be spoken to end theirexistence.Today men make the world they live in just as then, but they make it and allthings on it in ignorance.They do not know what they are doing when they arethinking, nor do they know the power of their thoughts.They do not know that theirthoughts when issued, are issued on the light plane of the light world.They do notknow that these thoughts then descend as sound and speech in one, into the life world,where they take matter of the life world as a magnet takes iron filings.There athought is a sound.It is inaudible to the human ear, but it sounds in the life world, andthereby gives life to the matter it affects.It descends further and comes into the formworld, taking with it that portion of life matter.It is sound in the form world also, andmakes a part of form matter coalesce.This causes the matter to take a form,expressive of the sound, which comes into the physical world, but is still invisible.Then it passes on to the astral or radiant state of matter of the form plane of thephysical world, where it remains on the threshold of the radiant-radiant matter of thephysical plane and is ready to be exteriorized in solid matter. The appearance of the plants and animals depends upon the appropriate seasonfor germination.The thought, which is speech and sound in the different worlds,continues to sound until it is exteriorized.When the time for this arrives the soundcompels solid-solid particles to vibrate around and through the radiant-solid form andfinally draws them into it.The sap in the plants and the fluids in the body of theanimal build out the visible solid shape according to this astral form.A thought oflove and a thought of greed are different as thoughts and they sound differently.Thesound of the speech which is the thought differs from the time the thought comes tothe life plane of the life world until, with matter gathered, it arrives at the threshold ofphysical life.On the life plane of the life world the sound of that which will be formedas a yellow rose is as different from that which will be formed as a white carnation, asare the two flowers when at last seen and smelled.The form in which a thought is exteriorized is not necessarily furnished by thesame doer from which comes the feeling-and-desire entity that will inhabit the form.For instance, the aggregate of strong sexual desires and rage with an absence ofgeneral viciousness may coalesce after death when the separation of breath-form anddoer occurs, into a mass of desire that will be made to animate the body of a bull.Thebody of the bull is made of elemental matter of the four elements, but the form inwhich it is held is the expression of a thought, which, when it was thought andspoken, sounded as what is visible as the form of a bull.The form fits the inhabitingpower of desire.The atoms known to chemistry have a valence or combining capacity which theyget from matter of the form world.Matter of the form world combines matter of thelife world into forms according to the combining capacity which the form matterreceives from certain characteristics of that life matter.The life matter receives thesecharacteristics from thinking or from thoughts, which can give character to life matteronly according to certain types or numbers to which the thoughts belong.Thethoughts give the character by unfolding and extending a point toward a circle, (Fig.IV-A).Men think only under certain types, just as they eat with their mouths and walkwith their legs, and not otherwise.The types in which men think come from UniversalTypes or Points, which themselves are not known on the earth except as the typesunder which men think.The Universal Types came from abstract Numbers; the onlyway in which they can be thought about is as two.Man thinks under a type of two with an immeasurable number of subtypes.Allmental activities in the individual mental atmospheres are governed by this type andits subtypes.Every thought therefore that is issued is under a subtype of one of thehuman types.When it is issued and comes to the life world as speech and sound, itaffects matter of the life world and imparts to it the character of its own particularsubtype [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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