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    .""What does that mean?""I was a drugged up sex slave who could easily be replaced," Boyd said flatly."Whatdo you think it means?""I think it means you're avoiding answering this question for a reason." Shapirorested the panel against the edge of the desk."If you need some time to regroup.""Why should I need time?" Boyd asked, a spike of anger burning hot within him.Itwas just like the Agency to steal everything from him and then have the audacity todemand he perform for them a little longer by laying it all bare about what happened."Do you think time will make it disappear?""It could give you the opportunity to heal--""Heal from what?" Boyd demanded, his tone turning mocking and hard."Emotionalscarring? Oh, but maybe the Agency is jealous.After al , fucking up the lives andminds of their agents is supposed to be their forte--""Boyd, we can take a break if you feel you need it but I am still going to return to thisquestion as many times as I need to until you answer it adequately.""What's fucking adequate to you?" Boyd shot back icily, leaning forward in his chairand feeling al the anger, resentment and bitterness swarm to the top at the sametime."Do you need me to draw you a fucking diagram? I was a nobody they hookedon a sex drug that made me incapable of anything but begging to be fucked.Incapable of telling anyone no.And then they sold me to people with power trips andsaid, 'Have at it! Just don't permanently break him.But hey, if you do, it's alright-- wehave more.' What the fuck do you think happened?"Shapiro studied him, seeming unmoved by Boyd's outburst."I think that means theyhurt you.""Give the man a prize," Boyd growled under his breath.He sat back in the chair,crossing his arms and looking broodingly out the window."Was it a common occurrence?"Boyd made an impatient, scoffing sound."Does it matter?""Please answer the question, Boyd."A muscle in Boyd's jaw shifted.He debated jumping up and stalking out.But-- Ipromise; if you die I'll keep going.His eyes narrowed."Some weren't like that.""But some were?" Shapiro prompted."Yes," Boyd said shortly.There was a significant beat of silence on Shapiro's part and Boyd continuedimpatiently, "Cyclone had an endless supply of Bowery kids to take in and fuck up.They didn't care about us other than as minimal investments.The penalty for takinga slave out of commission wasn't that strong, and killing one was hardly worse.Some clients just wanted sex and didn't want even a minor break in their privileges.They were careful.Others reveled in the high end promises Cyclone offered, ofclean slaves and discreet services, combined with the free reign to do as they liked.Those clients were a large target audience for Cyclone, because Slide made theslaves open to anything and everything the clients wanted to do, and our low statusmeant no one cared if they exercised those rights."His eyes were dark as he stared pointedly at Shapiro."So, yes.The parts I canremember-- Some were.Some got off on hurting me.Some used the excuse toexperiment with things they'd always wanted to try but were too wary to dothemselves.Others liked to see how many people I could take at once.Or in a row.They made it into a game at some of the parties."He remembered laughter and groans; people bullshitting with each other andshouting out numbers in the background.And, of course, the ever-present personrecording it all so they could jerk off to it later.He wondered if any of those videos would be leaked out to others in the end.Hedidn't even care anymore how public it became.There had been a time when he'dbeen a very private person but any hope of that and rights to his own body haddisappeared long ago.Shapiro nodded, his gaze unmoving from Boyd's face."What was the process for aclient to determine who they wanted?"Boyd crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair."They used the catalogue."Shapiro's eyebrows drew faintly down."What catalogue?""The one with our pictures when we were hard and high, with our stats andspecialties written inside," Boyd said shortly.He added with his tone twisting, "Theone they used to rate and review us.""What do you mean by specialties or reviews?""They recorded what we were good at so clients could make an informed decisionabout what they felt like that night.Like perusing a menu at a restaurant.Would youlike to know what mine said?"Shapiro did not notice the mocking in Boyd's voice or decided to ignore it."Yes.""It said my impressive stamina made me ideal for weekend group rentals and that Icould be loud.That I have the best mouth in Cyclone and I could cure impotencewith my tongue alone." Boyd's eyes were cold as his eyebrows raised.An entirelyhumorless smile curled his lips."One anonymous note recommended choking me tomake me get off even harder and said they noticed I react especial y strongly tobeing tied down.They said I was so enjoyable to play with that the next time theybrought their friends."There was a beat of silence in which Shapiro watched Boyd, who only stared backwith hard lines on his face and an increasingly cold cast to his eyes.Shapirofrowned slightly; a subtle motion of his lips and the draw of his eyebrows."I see." Shapiro looked down at his touch panel and made a few notes beforemeeting Boyd's eyes again."Was there anything else?"Boyd's stare shifted and turned flat on Shapiro.The tense silence answered thatquestion affirmatively while at the same time making it clear that Boyd had nointentions of continuing with the topic for the moment.After another beat of silence,Shapiro seemingly decided to move on."The results of your physical state that you are clean of any diseases," Shapiroobserved."Was that due to policies Cyclone adopted?"Boyd looked out the window again.A memory of Jun's voice, idly relaying a fellow slave's status."He went to someparty, something happened I dunno much about-- but they brought him straight toAmy and he never came back.""Yes," was al he said aloud.Shapiro quirked his eyebrows and Boyd grudginglycontinued, "Generally, protection was a requirement.Some paid more to not have touse it.Clients for the general populace were screened but that didn't always catcheverything.Slaves who became too problematic due to a difficult or impossible tocure disease were taken somewhere and never seen again.The slaves cal ed itDeath Row.""Do you think they were killed?"Boyd shifted a steady gaze onto Shapiro."I think the rumor that a snuff film directorused them as actors is likely true.But I also think Aleixo would have capitalized onhis investment and found other places to sel or use the leftovers.The same as hewould have for me if I'd outlived his interest."Shapiro's lips tilted down briefly on the edges."Could you explain why you usethose terms?""What terms?""You speak of yourself and others who were in your same position as objects."Boyd's eyebrows ticked up [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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