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    .If a line ends with a backslash, then the backslash, thenewline, and any whitespace at the start of the next line is deleted.This is repeated until the entire  logical line is collected.If the logical line is blank or starts with a number sign (#), it is ignored.All other lines are interpreted as feed entries.An entry should consist of four colon-separated fields; two of the fields mayhave optional subfields, marked off by a slash.Fields or subfields that take multiple parameters should be separated by acomma.Extra whitespace can cause problems.Except for the site names, case is significant.The format of an entry issitename[/exclude,exclude,.]\:pattern,pattern.[/distrib,distrib.]\:flag,flag.\:paramEach field is described below.The sitename is the name of the site to which a news article can be sent.It is used for writing log entries and for determiningif an article should be forwarded to a site.If sitename already appears in the article s Path header, then the article will not besent to the site.The name is usually whatever the remote site uses to identify itself in the Path line but can be almost anyword that makes sense; special local entries (such as archivers or gateways) should probably end with an exclamation point tomake sure that they do not have the same name as any real site.For example, gateway is an obvious name for the local entrythat forwards articles out to a mailing list.If a site with the name gateway posts an article, when the local site receives the newsfeeds1159article, it will see the name in the Path and not send the article to its own gateway entry.If an entry has an exclusion subfield,then the article will not be sent to that site if any of the names specified as excludes appear in the Path header.The samesitename can be used more than once; the appropriate action will be taken for each site that should receive the article,regardless of the name, although this is recommended only for program feeds to avoid confusion.Case is not significant insite names.The patterns specify which groups to send to the site and are interpreted to build a  subscription list for the site.Thedefault subscription is to get all groups.The patterns in the field are wildmat(3)-style patterns and are matched in orderagainst the list of newsgroups that the local site receives.If the first character of a pattern is an exclamation mark, then anygroups matching the pattern are removed from the subscription; otherwise, any matching groups are added.For example, toreceive all comp groups but only comp.sources.unix within the sources newsgroups, the following set of patterns can be used:comp.*,!comp.sources.*,comp.sources.unixThere are three things to note about this example.The first is that the trailing.* is required.The second is that, again, theresult of the last match is the most important.The third is that comp.sources.* could be written as comp.sources*, but thiswould not have the same effect if there were a comp.sources-only group.See innd(8) for details on the propagation of control messages.A subscription can be further modified by specifying  distributions that the site should or should not receive.The default isto send all articles to all sites that subscribe to any of the groups where it has been posted, but if an article has a Distributionheader and any distribs are specified, then they are checked according to the following rules:1.If the Distribution header matches any of the values in the subfield, then the article is sent.2.If a distrib starts with an exclamation point and it matches the Distribution header, then the article is not sent.3.If Distribution header does not match any distrib in the site s entry and no negations were used, then the article is notsent.4.If Distribution header does not match any distrib in the site s entry and any distrib started with an exclamation point,then the article is sent.If an article has more than one distribution specified, then each one is evaluated according to the preceding rules.If any ofthe specified distributions indicate that the article should be sent, it is.If none do, it is not sent: The rules are used as a logical or. It is almost definitely a mistake to have a single feed that specifies distributions that start with an exclamationpoint along with some that don t.Distributions are text words, not patterns; it is usually a mistake to have entries like * or all there.The flags parameter specifies miscellaneous parameters.They may be specified in any order; flags that take values shouldhave the value immediately after the flag letter with no whitespace.The valid flags are1000000 { print  BIG , $2, $3 } >/dev/console## A UUCP feed, where we try to keep the  batching between 4 and 1K.ihnp4:/world,usa,na,ddn,gnu\:Tf,Wfb,B4096/1024:## Usenet as mail; note ! in funnel name to avoid Path conflicts.## Can t use ! in  fred since it would like look a UUCP address.fred:!*,comp.sources.unix,comp.sources.bugs\:Tm:mailer!barney@bar.com:!*,news.software.nntp,comp.sources [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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