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    .toString(),Error.toString(), LoadVars.toString(), Number.toString(),Object.toString(), XML.toString()toUpperCaseString.toUpperCase()tracetrace()trackAsMenuButton.trackAsMenu, MovieClip.trackAsMenutruetruetrytry.catch.finallytypeTextField.typetypeoftypeofundefinedundefinedunderlineTextFormat.underlineunescapeunescapeuninstallCustomActions.uninstall()unloadClipMovieClipLoader.unloadClip()unloadMovieunloadMovie(), MovieClip.unloadMovie()unLoadMovieNumunloadMovieNum()unshiftArray.unshift()unwatchObject.unwatch()UPKey.UPupdateAfterEventupdateAfterEvent()updatePropertiesAccessibility.updateProperties()urlTextFormat.urluseCodePageSystem.useCodepageuseEchoSuppressionMicrophone.useEchoSuppression()useHandCursorButton.useHandCursor, MovieClip.useHandCursorUTCDate.UTC()226 Chapter 12: ActionScript Dictionary ActionScript element See entryvalueOfBoolean.valueOf(), Number.valueOf(), Object.valueOf()varvarvariableTextField.variableversionSystem.capabilities.versionVideoVideo classvisibleContextMenuItem.visiblevoidvoidwatchObject.watch()whilewhilewidthCamera.width, Stage.width, Video.widthwithwithwordwrapTextField.wordWrapXMLXML classxmlDeclXML.xmlDeclXMLNodeXMLNode classXMLSocketXMLSocket class  (decrement)AvailabilityFlash Player 4.Usage  expressionexpression ParametersNone.ReturnsA number.DescriptionOperator (arithmetic); a pre-decrement and post-decrement unary operator that subtracts 1 fromthe expression.The pre-decrement form of the operator (  expression) subtracts 1 fromexpression and returns the result.The post-decrement form of the operator (expression  )subtracts 1 from the expression and returns the initial value of expression (the value prior tothe subtraction).  (decrement) 227 ExampleThe pre-decrement form of the operator decrements x to 2 (x - 1 = 2), and returns the resultas y:x = 3;y = --x;//y is equal to 2The post-decrement form of the operator decrements x to 2 (x - 1 = 2), and returns the originalvalue of x as the result y:x = 3;y = x--//y is equal to 3++ (increment)AvailabilityFlash Player 4.Usage++expressionexpression++ParametersNone.ReturnsA number.DescriptionOperator (arithmetic); a pre-increment and post-increment unary operator that adds 1 toexpression.The expression can be a variable, element in an array, or property of an object.The pre-increment form of the operator (++expression) adds 1 to expression and returns theresult.The post-increment form of the operator (expression++) adds 1 to expression andreturns the initial value of expression (the value prior to the addition).The pre-increment form of the operator increments x to 2 (x + 1 = 2), and returns the resultas y:x = 1;y = ++x//y is equal to 2The post-increment form of the operator increments x to 2 (x + 1 = 2), and returns the originalvalue of x as the result y:x = 1;y = x++;//y is equal to 1228 Chapter 12: ActionScript Dictionary ExampleThe following example uses ++ as a post-increment operator to make a while loop run five times.i = 0;while(i++ (bitwise unsigned right shift) 265 >>>= (bitwise unsigned right shift and assignment)AvailabilityFlash Player 5.Usageexpression1 >>>= expression2Parametersexpression1 A number or expression to be shifted left.expression2 A number or expression that converts to an integer from 0 to 31.ReturnsNothing.DescriptionOperator (bitwise compound assignment); performs an unsigned bitwise right-shift operationand stores the contents as a result in expression1.The following two expressions are equivalent:A >>>= BA = (A >>> B)See also>>> (bitwise unsigned right shift), >>= (bitwise right shift and assignment)Accessibility classAvailabilityFlash Player 6 version 65.DescriptionThe Accessibility class manages communication with screen readers.The methods of theAccessibility class are static that is, you don t have to create an instance of the class to useits methods.To get and set accessible properties for a specific object, such as a button, movie clip, or text field,use the _accProps property.To determine whether the player is running in an environment thatsupports accessibility aids, use System.capabilities.hasAccessibility.Method summary for the Accessibility classMethod DescriptionAccessibility.isActive()Indicates whether a screen reader program is active.Accessibility.updateProperties()Updates the description of objects on the screen for screenreaders.266 Chapter 12: ActionScript Dictionary Accessibility.isActive()AvailabilityFlash Player 6 version 65.UsageAccessibility.isActive()ParametersNone.ReturnsA Boolean value of true if there are active Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) clients and theplayer is running in an environment that supports communication between Flash Player andaccessibility aids, false otherwise [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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