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    .It is widely recognized as dangerous if taken instandard.high doses especially for children.Overdoses can result, notCongressman Craig Hosmer, outspoken critic of the FDA'sonly from a single large ingestion, but also from continuous useone-sided attack on the nutrition and vitamin industry, has said:which produces accumulative effects.Every year, there are atI have been informed that there never has been an accidentalleast ninety deaths in the United States from overdoses ofdeath due to vitamin overdosage, but it is said one person diesaspirin.(1)every three days from taking lethal doses of aspirin.But, despiteNinety deaths each year is no small matter.Yet, the FDA doesthe fact that Americans buy twenty-million pounds of aspirin a year,nothing except to require each aspirin label to state the recom-FDA has never publicly considered any kind of regulation ormended safe dosage plus the admonition: "or as recommendedwarning on labels.Instead, the agency has spent its time andmillions of the taxpayer's dollars establishing arbitrary daily by your physician." The important point is not that the FDAdosages for harmless vitamins and minerals.(1)should do more, but that it applies a glaringly unfair doublestandard against nutritional supplements.In November of 1973 itCongressman Hosmer has hit the bull's eye.The danger tostopped the production and distribution of a product known aspublic health does not lie in organic food supplements orAprikern.Aprikern is the trade name given to apricot kernels thatvitamins sold in health-food stores.It lies in the vast inventorieshave been ground, cold pressed to remove the fatty oils, andof toxic man-made drugs.Nothing recommended by a healthencapsulated.The process retains the nitriloside or vitamin B17lecturer ever produced such tragedies as thalidomide babies.Fivecontent, increases the potency concentration by approximatelypercent of all hospital admissions are the result of adverse20%, reduces the caloric content, and increases the resistance toreactions to legally acquired prescription drugs.(2) It has beenrancidity.Aprikern, therefore, had become popular among thoseestimated that no less than one and a-half-million people are sentwho were familiar with the vitamin B17 story.to the hospital each year as a result of orthodox drugs whichBased upon obscure "studies," allegedly conducted at themeans that these legally acquired materials are injuring hundredsUniversity of Arizona School of Pharmacology, the FDAof times more people than all the illegally acquired psychedelicannounced that Aprikern contained "a poison which would killdrugs put together.And, after a patient is admitted to the hospitalboth adults and children."(1)for reasons other than drug reactions, his chances of falling victimNote that the FDA did not say that Aprikern actually hadof drug sickness more than doubles.Drug sickness in the hospitalkilled any adults or children as aspirin does every week butnow strikes well over three and a half-million patients each year.(3)that it could do so.Note also that, during the court case thatAs long ago as 1960, it was acknowledged that at least fortyresulted from the legal action instituted by the FDA against thenew diseases or syndromes had been attributed to drugs used inmanufacturer, the scientists from the University of Arizona whotherapy,(4) and the number has grown impressively since then.had conducted the toxicity experiments on rats which supposedlyThe situation with non-prescription, over-the-counter drugs isproved that Aprikern was dangerous, testified that the results ofalmost as bad.Aspirin which was first produced by Bayer oftheir tests were inconclusive and that they would not standbehind the interpretation widely publicized by the FDA.1.Garrison, The Dictocrats, op.cit., p.217.2."Important Prescribing Information from FDA Commissioner Charles C.1.FDA Fact Sheet, July 1971, (FDA) 72-3002.Edwards, M.D.," U.S.Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1971.2."These Two Health Foods 'Dangerous'," (UPI) News Chronicle, Nov.28,1973,3.Martin Gross, The Doctors, (New York: Random House, 1966).p.11.4.President Kennedy's Consumers' Protection Message of March 15,1962. THE DOUBLE STANDARD307306 WORLD WITHOUT CANCER: Part TwoNeedless to say, there is not a single over-the-counter drug onUndaunted, the FDA continued to press its case stating that itthe market today that could pass toxicity restrictions as severe aswas conducting tests of its own and that these surely wouldthese.The law does not protect us.It is a weapon against us."prove" that Aprikern is dangerous.(1)In a letter to this author dated December 26, 1971, Dr.Ernst T.William Dixon, chief of the Arizona Consumer ProtectionKrebs, Jr.anticipated the FDA's action against Aprikern by overDivision, which worked jointly with the FDA in the initial actionagainst Aprikern, told newsmen: two years when he explained:The full awareness of the significance of vitamin B17 (nitriloside)We could wait six months for the FDA tests, but if some kid diedfrom eating this stuff, I wouldn't want our office to be responsible.(2) is now registering in the minds of our bureaucrats and those whomthey serve.The attitude is becoming obvious even to us that theseFrom this, may we conclude that Dixon's office is responsiblepeople feel vitamin B17 is too good and too valuable for the Indians.for deaths from aspirin overdose? Or are we to suspect that all ofJust as in the past when valuable minerals or oil were discovered onthis pretended concern for the public welfare is just so much eyeIndian lands, government bureaucracy would move the Indianswash to conceal an unconscionable double standard wherebyaway to "better land," so attempts are being made now to move allagencies of government are being used on behalf of the druginnovators and pioneers on vitamin B17 away from the develop-cartel to harass and destroy competition from the non-drugment through the invocation of one legal ruse or another until ithealth industry? We may ponder what Mr.Dixon's concern"cools," and then allow monopoly supporting the involvedwould be if "some kid," or some adult, for that matter, dies from bureaucracy to preempt the field.not "eating this stuff [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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