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    .a camp RAKE 2500 grabieDESCRIBE A RAKE.A rake's rather like a fork, or the spread fingers of a humanhand, on the end of a stick.We use it, for example, in thegarden for collecting dead leaves togetherSADDLE siodłoWHAT'S A SADDLE? A saddle is a thing, usually made of leather, used asa seat on a horse or on a bicycleMESSAGE VIA ORAL MESSENGERwiadomość przez ustny posłaniecHOW DO WE SEND A MESSAGE ? We send a message either in written formor orally, via a messenger; or even via a pigeon969 DICTATION 84It was thus decided/ that the best plan/ would be to find/ some kind of natural harbour/along the coast,/ protected perhaps by some high cliffs,/ and leave the boat there./ It wasclear/ that both nephew and niece/ worshipped their uncle./ War was declared/ and allforeigners were seized/ by the police/ and thrown into prison./ The student's lodgingswere very poor./ His room was furnished/ with just a bed,/ table, chair/ and a shelf for hisbooks./ The student himself was so poor/ that he scarcely had the money/ to buy stamps/for any letters/ he might need to write.LESSON 146BEAT - BEAT - BEATEN bić, pobićWHAT AM I DOING ? You're beating your pen on the edge of the tableDOES YOUR TOWN USUALLY GET BEATEN AT FOOTBALL?Yes, my town.or.No, my town.CHIEF CHIEFLY TRIBEwódz, główny głównie, przede wszystkim plemięWHAT DO YOU FIND TO BE THE CHIEF DIFFICULTY FOR YOU INLEARNING ENGLISH ?/ I find the chief.to be.CAN YOU THINK OF THE NAMES OF ANY CHIEFS OF RED INDIANTRIBES ? Yes, I can think of.Geronimo, Sitting Bull.970 HOW DO YOU CHIEFLY SPEND YOUR FREE TIME ? I chiefly spend my freetime.reading, watching TV. DISAPPOINT rozczarować DISAPPOINTMENT rozczarowanieARE YOU EASILY DISAPPOINTED? Yes, I'm easily disappointed.or.No, I'm not.WHAT'S THE BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT YOU'VE EVER SUFFERED INYOUR LIFE?/ The biggest disappointment.was when.FINE SUPERIOR REFINE(D)rafinowany, pierwszorzędny, wyższy, oczyszczać, rafinowaćSKILL SKILLED APPROVAL ADMIRATIONzręczność, wprawa wykwalifikowany aprobata podziwThe word "fine" means 1) superior or highly refined, e.g.fine gold, 2) delicate, smallor thin, e.g.fine thread, 3) highly skilled e.g.a fine judge of horses, and 4) usedwhen showing general approval or admiration, e.g.a fine piece of work; a finewoman; a fine day.GIVE ME ONE OF THE FOUR MEANINGS AND AN EXAMPLE OF THEWORD "FINE".Superior or highly refined, e.g.fine gold971 HOLLOW pusty, SOLID stały SUNKEN FALL TO PIECESzapadnięty masywny zatopiony rozpaść się na kawałkiSORT rodzaj, gatunekThe word "hollow" means 1) not solid, and 2) sunkenWHAT DOES THE WORD "HOLLOW" MEAN ? The word "hollow" means.WHAT SORT OF SOUND DO WE GET WHEN WE HIT SOMETHINGHOLLOW ? We get a sort of hollow sound when we hit something hollowHOW DO PEOPLE GET HOLLOW CHEEKS ? People get hollow cheeks throughworking too much, not sleeping enough, not eating enough, illness, etc.AT WHAT TEMPERATURE DOES WATER CHANGE FROM A LIQUIDSTATE TO A SOLID STATE?/ Water changes from.at a temperature of noughtdegrees centigrade or 32 degrees FahrenheitWHEN SOMETHING IS NOT SOLIDLY BUILT, WHAT IS IT IN DANGER OFDOING ? When something is not.it's in danger offalling down or falling to pieces.WOULD YOU LIKE THE JOB OF SORTING LETTERS AT THE POST OFFICE?Yes, I'd like.or.No, I wouldn't. 972 WHY OR WHY NOT ?THE LOT THEY = HE OR SHE THEM = HIM OR HER/wszystko oni imIF YOU WERE MAKING A BARGAIN WITH SOMEONE AND THEY SAID"LOOK! HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT FOR THE LOT?", WHAT WOULDTHEY MEAN? If I were making.they would mean thatthey were willing to buy all I had.We sometimes use the word "they" when we should really use the words "he" or"she".We do this when we are not talking about any man or woman in particularbut about people in general, as in the last question, which should really have been"If you were making a bargain with someone and he or she said.etc.", because theword "someone" is singular and so we shouldn't use the word "they" with it; theword "they" being plural.However, we use the word "they" because, althoughbeing grammatically incorrect, it is shorter and easier than saying "he or she" whenwe don't know if it's a "he" or a "she" we're talking about.973 WHY DO WE SOMETIMES USE THE WORD "THEY", AS IN THE LASTQUESTION, WHEN TO BE GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT WE OUGHTREALLY TO USE THE WORDS "HE" OR "SHE" ?/ We sometimes use the.because it's shorter and easier than saying "he" or "she", especially when.LOUD SOFT TURN UPgłośny miękki, delikatny zjawić sięARE YOU THE KIND OF PERSON WHO DOESN'T MIND IF THE RADIOOR THE TELEVISION ETC.IS TURNED UP AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE, ORDO YOU PREFER ALL THE SOUNDS AROUND YOU TO BE SOFT?Yes, I'm the kind of.or.No, I'm not the.but I prefer all.REPRESENT SYMBOLIZE GENERAL CEREMONYreprezentować symbolizować ogólny, powszechny ceremoniaThe verb "to represent" means 1) to symbolize, e.g.The cross on the piece of paperrepresents the village church, whilst the circle represents the house where I live, 2)to show, e.g.The picture represents Napoleon dressed in his general's uniform, and3) to act in place of, e.g.The Queen was represented at the ceremony by her cousin./ WHAT'S ONE OF THE MEANINGS OF THE WORD "REPRESENT" ? - ANDGIVE ME AN EXAMPLE.One of the.is "to symbolize".For example, "Goodheavens! What's that drawing supposed to represent ?"974 ASHAMED SHAME SHAMEFUL INTERNATIONALzawstydzony wstyd skandaliczny, haniebny międzynarodowyON AN INTERNATIONAL SCALE na międzynarodową skalęHOW DO PEOPLE BEHAVE WHEN THEY FEEL ASHAMED OF WHATTHEY'VE DONE ? When people feel ashamed of.they drop their eyes.becomered in the face.say they're terribly sorry.etc.WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER TO BE THE MOST SHAMEFUL ACT COMMITTEDIN RECENT YEARS, EITHER IN YOUR OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE OR ONAN INTERNATIONAL SCALE ?/ I consider the most shameful act committed.to be.CAP czapka, beretWHAT DO WE CALL THE SMALL ROUND HAT THAT SOME BOYS,ESPECIALLY ENGLISH SCHOOLBOYS, WEAR? We call the small.a cap975 NONSENSE RUBBISH EXCLAIMnonsens bzdury zawołać, wykrzyknąćWHAT DO WE EXCLAIM WHEN WE THINK SOMEONE'S TALKINGNONSENSE ? When we think someone's talking nonsense, we canexclaim either "Nonsense!" or "Rubbish!"RANK ranga ADMIRAL admirałWHAT'S THE HIGHEST RANK IN THE NAVY?/ The highest rank in the navyis admiral.First Sea Lord.etc.TAILOR krawiec TAILORESS krawcowaWHAT DO WE CALL A MAN WHO MAKES CLOTHES? We call.a tailorWHAT DO WE CALL A WOMAN WHO MAKES CLOTHES ? We call.atailoress or dressmaker BAGGAGE (US) bagaż LUGGAGE bagażWHAT DO WE MEAN BY BAGGAGE ? By baggage we mean suitcases,packages, parcels, etc., that we travel withWHAT'S ANOTHER WORD FOR "BAGGAGE" ? Another word.is "luggage"976 DICTATION 85The cat followed her mistress/ into the kitchen/ hoping for some food./ I scarcely havethe courage/ to tell him that/ he will never be a poet,/ only a writer of third-class verse./1dare not think/ of the effect it will have on him,/ but he ought to be told./ Even if we get aloan,/ we shall only be postponing the day/ when we have to close the business/ as acomplete loss./1 can still see the scene now,/ with the boy almost in tears/ standing beforethe headmaster's desk, / at the end of his first term at school,/ asking not to be sent away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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