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    .Backing Up Databases and TablespacesIn the following examples, the database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode.Backing Up a DatabaseTo back up a database to tape you must first allocate a tape device.QueryV$BACKUP_DEVICE to see what devices are available to you.The following example shows how to back up the database (except tablespacesthat are offline):run {allocate channel dev1 type 'sbt_tape';backup skip offline (database format '%d_%u'); }A read-only tablespace needs to be backed up only once or twice after it hasbeen made read-only.You can use the skip read only option to skip read-only9-2 Oracle8 Backup and Recovery Guide datafiles.If you use the skip offline option, then the backup will not attemptto access offline datafiles.Use this option if the offline datafiles are notavailable.Backing Up a TablespaceThe following example shows how to back up individual tablespaces.It isimportant to back up tablespaces that contain important data frequently(including system data and any tablespace that contains rollback segments).Tablespaces containing only temporary segments need not be backed up.Because this example backs up to disk, the format string determines the nameof the backup file.run {allocate channel dev1 type disk;backup(tablespace system,tbs_1,tbs_2,tbs_3,tbs_4,tbs_5format '/oracle/backups/bp_%s_%p');}Backing Up Individual DatafilesYou can also use Recovery Manager to back up individual datafiles as follows:run {allocate channel dev1 type 'sbt_tape';backup(datafile '?/dbs/t_dbs1.f'format '%d_%u');}Backing Up the Control FileThe current control file is automatically backed up when the first datafile ofthe system tablespace is backed up.The current control file can also beexplicitly included in a backup or backed up individually.run {allocate channel dev1 type 'sbt_tape';backup(tablespace tbs_5 include current controlfileRecovery Manager Scenarios 9-3 format '%d_%u');}Backing Up Archived LogsYou can also back up archived logs to tape.The range of archived logs can bespecified by time or log sequence.Note that specifying an archive log rangedoes not guarantee that all redo in the range is backed up.For example, the lastarchived log may end before the end of the range, or an archived log in therange may be missing.Recovery Manager simply backs up the logs it finds anddoes not issue a warning.Note that online logs cannot be backed up; they mustbe archived first.Hint: Set the NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT environment variablesbefore invoking Recovery Manager.NLS_LANG=americanNLS_DATE_FORMAT='Mon DD YYYY HH24:MI:SS'run {allocate channel dev1 type 'sbt_tape';backup(archivelog from time 'Nov 13 1996 20:57:13'until time 'Nov 13 1996 21:06:05'allformat '%d_%u');}Here we back up all archived logs from sequence# 288 to sequence# 301 anddelete the archived logs after the backup is complete.If the backup fails thelogs are not deleted.run {allocate channel dev1 type 'sbt_tape';backup(archivelog low logseq 288 high logseq 301 thread 1all delete inputformat '%d_%u');}9-4 Oracle8 Backup and Recovery Guide The following commands back up all archived logs generated during the last24 hours.We archive the current log first to ensure that all redo generated upto the present gets backed up.run {allocate channel dev1 type 'sbt_tape';sql "alter system archive log current";backup(archivelog from time 'SYSDATE-1' allformat '%d_%u') ;}See Also: For more information about your environment variables, see youroperating system-specific documentation [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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