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    .The secondary key is always the ascendingfile name.ReadmeName mod autoindexDocument Appended to Index ListingsSyntax: filenamehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive sets the name of the document that will be appended tothe end of the index listing.The filename argument (the name of the fileto include) is treated as a URI path relative to the one used to access thedirectory being indexed.It must resolve to a document with a majorcontent type of   (for example,   or   ).Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 4.3 Configuration Reference 129mod statusDisplay Summary of Server Runtime InformationExtendedStatus mod statusEnable Extended Server Status InformationSyntax:httpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.3This directive can be used to show extended status information in theserver status pages displayed by.It also controls whetherthe server keeps track of extended status information for each request.This setting applies to the entire server; that is, it cannot be enabled ordisabled on a virtual-host-by-virtual-host basis.mod infoDisplay Summary of Server Configuration-Time InformationAddModuleInfo mod infoAdd Extra Information to Description of a ModuleSyntax: module-source stringhttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.3This directive allows the content of string to be shown as additional in-formation for the module module-source in  s generated webpages.4.3.10 Request Loggingmod log configGeneric Request LoggingCookieLog mod log configLog File for HTTP CookiesSyntax: filehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 130 Chapter 4: Configuring ApacheThis directive sets the file for logging of HTTP cookies.The file argu-ment is relative to the.This directive is included only forcompatibility purposes and has been deprecated.CustomLog mod log configCustomized Log File FacilitySyntax: file format variablehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.2This directive enables you to write a customized log file, where eachThe log file line is formatted according to the specification given in format.directive allows you toIf the . construct is appended, the writing of a line can be con-create arbitrary accesslog files.In ditionalized through the existence or nonexistence of an environmentconjunctionwith youvariable (usually created by or based oneven can conditionalizethem.the particular HTTP request).The options for the format match thoseavailable for the argument of the directive.If the formatargument includes any spaces (as it will in almost all cases), it shouldbe enclosed in double quotes.Instead of an actual format string, youcan also use a format nickname defined with the directive.LogFormat mod log configDefine a Customized Log File FormatSyntax: format nicknamehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive sets the format of the default log file set by theUse to directive or defines a customized format that is available underpre-configure lognickname to the directive.formats if you needthem in lots ofTransferLog mod log configsections.Default Transfer and Access Log FileSyntax: filehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive defines a log file in the format specified by the most re-cent directive, or in the Common Log Format (CLF) if no otherdefault format has been specified.The file argument is either (1) a filename relative to or (2)   followed by a shell commandto receive the log file information via.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 4.3 Configuration Reference 131mod log agentSpecialized User-Agent Logging (Deprecated)AgentLog mod log agentLog File for HTTP User-Agent Header Fields (Deprecated)Syntax: filehttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.0This directive specifies the file to which the server will log the HTTPheader field of incoming requests.It has been deprecated,however, and you should use the directive with the formatstring   instead.mod log refererSpecialized Referrer Logging (Deprecated)RefererIgnore mod log refererExclude HTTP Referer Header Fields from Logging (Deprecated)Syntax: string stringhttpd.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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