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    .Ty had to tamp down on a flare of absolute rage as hewatched them come closer.How the hell had he found himselfworking with Liam Bell again? The man had tried to kill himthe last time Ty had trusted him, and now here he was, tellingTy to trust him one more time.Nick and Liam sat at the table, winded from their walkin the cold.There was an outdoor heater nearby, and Liamturned toward it and put his hands out like it was a campfire. Bloody hell, he muttered.Nick seemed less bothered by the cold, but then Ty hadbeen in Boston in the winter.He was pretty sure Antarcticawas warmer. What d you find? he demanded.Nick reached into his overcoat, fumbling at the pocketbeneath the lapel for a few seconds before cursing and yankinghis gloves off with his teeth.He kept digging for whatever hehad in there. SD card, Liam told them as he watched Nick struggle. Jesus Christ, man, do you need help? Don t touch me, Nick grumbled.He finally pulledthe tiny card out and held it between two trembling fingers,handing it to Ty without another word.145 Ty scowled as he turned it over. This is it? You broke intoBurns s house and this is all you took from his files?Both men shook their heads.Liam s teeth were chatteringas he spoke. We didn t need to burglarize it.Someone didthat for us.Ty and Kelly exchanged a confused glance as Liamcontinued to explain what they d seen at Burns s residence. What book was it? Ty asked when Liam was finished.Liam flopped his hands against the table. Told you, Nick muttered under his breath. I don t fucking know, okay! Liam practically shouted. It was a book.A big book.Get over it.Nick slid his glove back on and hunched against the cold,leaning closer to Ty. What s our play?Ty glanced up at the Federal Building, not a block awayfrom where they sat. I gave Nancy a call; she was Burns sassistant.She said they ve moved all of his files to the archives. Can she get us access? Nick asked.Ty shook his head, sighing.His breath froze in the air andbillowed in front of him. She retired when he died.Hell, herinformation might be out of date at this point.We re goingin blind. Forgive me for questioning your judgment, Liam saidafter a second of thought,  but why are we needed here? I mkind of a big deal on the most wanted lists at the moment, if Ihadn t made that clear. That s why you re here, Ty said with a smirk. You needto get your face near the Bureau s cameras, get the facialrecognition to kick in. You want to use me as a decoy? Liam had the nerve tosound offended.146  Consider it the Grady version of switching a bullet, Tysnarled.Liam huffed, turning to Nick as if Nick might stand upfor him.Nick shrugged and shook his head. Fine! Liam cried, and he crossed his arms and slumpedin his chair. But I get O Flaherty as a getaway driver. Fair enough.We ll meet you back in Baltimore if youmake it, Ty said, and then pushed his chair back to stand.Liam sat grumbling, but Nick was watching Ty with a lookthat could only be described as an abandoned puppy.Ty turned and stalked off.He had a job to do.It was almost dark when Zane slipped his key into thelock.He d stayed late at the office, waiting for most of hisstaff to clear out so he could gain access to a computer thatwouldn t leave a trail back to him.The upside to being theboss was not having to answer awkward questions about beingwhere he wasn t supposed to be.The downside to being theboss was that when he stayed late, everyone else did as well.He pushed into the dark row house and immediatelytensed.Someone was there.He could feel it in the backof his mind, a sixth sense developed from too many yearsundercover.His motions only halted for a second, and then he wasmoving normally again, closing the door behind him andtossing his satchel aside like he always did.He shrugged outof his overcoat, his hand on the gun under his arm. Relax, Garrett, it s just us, Owen said from the darknessof the living room.147 Zane s shoulders slumped in relief.He hadn t been up fora battle royale tonight.And Ty would have killed him if he dwrecked the furniture. Why are you sitting in the dark? Icould have shot you.Digger chuckled. You could have tried. You made a show of kicking us out of your office; wedidn t want anyone seeing us with a key to your house, Owenexplained.Zane clicked on a lamp in the corner. You have a key tothe house? Of course.Ty gave us all one when he bought the place.Zane ran a hand through his hair, smiling wryly. Ibasically married all of you, didn t I?Digger chuckled evilly and Owen rolled his eyes.Zane sat on the end of the couch, struck by how odd thisshould have felt.Him and Digger and Owen, two men he dnever actually been alone with for any extended amount oftime, not without Ty around.Or at least not without Nickaround, if you counted that one time Ty had needed rescuing. What did you find out? Anything? Zane asked. No one pinged verbally, Owen told him, sounding alittle embarrassed about it. I didn t get to everyone in youroffice, but I started with the team you used to work with andmoved out from there.Zane held his breath. They re all clean?Owen winced. I m not going to say yes.The redheadgave Digger her number, so I d fire her immediately for poorjudgment. Hey! Digger grunted. Clancy would eat you alive, Zane told Digger with asmirk. Well, I ran the ID number of the agent who flaggedthe cartel s accounts.148  Was it Burns? Digger asked.Zane shook his head, sighing. It was Ty.Both men were quiet and thoughtful, frowns deepening. What does that mean? Owen finally asked. Either Ty did it himself, thinking it was part of a legitop, or someone maybe Burns, but definitely someone inpower used his ID to do it. Or Ty s dirty, Digger offered.Owen glared at him. That might have been funny beforeO Flaherty started killing people, dude. Sorry, Digger grumbled.Zane rubbed at the tension between his eyes. Either way,Nick was right [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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