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    .10 e2 b6 11 0-0 b7 12 f3 o-o-oAs is o en the case, Black is happyto gain a tempo on the bishop with.c6.White will rarely be happy with Remember the Sniper Code: 'Onlysuch a trade.castle when you have to or if you need122 Other 1 e4 Lines for Whiteyour rook in the centre'.Black clearlythe centre is that it enables quick andsees he has the advantage in an oppo­direct access to useful areas of thesite-side castling position and that board.normally results in a full point, even 20.U.xd2.l:f.xd2 21.U.d1.l::txd1+ 22 4Jxd1more so than in positions where cas­tling occurs on the same side.13 4Ja3 4Jxd4 14 4Jxd4 e5Another central modifier again re­sults in a big change in assessment,from a small advantage to a clear ad­vantage.Black's two-bishop advantageis going to be well used and he also hasan excellent square for his knight on f4,which can cause chaos in the attackagainst White's king position.The dust has settled, and Black has anumber of advantages that shouldbring home the full point:1.A stronger centre;2.An advanced knight;3.A central initiative that may allowBlack's light-squared bishop to forceaccess to the e4-square; and4.The two bishops, which have real­istic attacking prospects.22.e4 23 fxe4 xe4 24 '2:'Je1 f8 25 b415 4Jdc2 4:'lf4 g7Black has secured the centre with The Sniper bishop returns to histhe use of his extra central pawn and home a er decisively weakeningnow commences attacking operations White's queen side pawns.on the kingside.White tries to seek sal­ 26 g8 h6 27 C4 0-1vation in the endgame, but Black is The rest of the moves are unavail­doing very well and his central control able on the database, but Black wentis eventually converted to other advan­ on to win at move 40.This game sawtages.an aggressive 7 e6 by White, but these16 xd7+.l::!.xd7 17.l:.fd1.U.hd8 18 4Je3 pawn moves wasted time and allowedf5 19 4Jac2 lld2 Black to gain the advantage in the cen­The whole purpose of controlling tre by simply developing sensibly.Black123 The Sniperlater activated the Sniper policy of de­ s.e6laying castling to ensure a winning All is revealed - it is simply amiddlegame.pseudo-pawn sacrifice as the Sniperfire will soon bear down on d4.1 e4 g6 2 d4 g7 3 c4 6 b3 cxd43 c4 followed by 4 is anotherf3Scholar's Mate-style attack.This cave­man approach by White is dangerous ifnot countered exactly as recommendedin this section.Black has more pawns in the centre.1 e4 g6 2 d4.ig7 3 c4 cs 4 f3 White is slightly ahead in developmentA crude effort that almost refuted but can't take advantage of this, andthe Sniper, but after burning the mid­ therefore in my opinion Black will benight oil I found a dynamic solution: better in the long term.4.ds!! 7 e2 c67.e7 is covered in the next game.8 o-o ge78.tt:'lf6!? is also worthy of playing.g d2 0-0Black has achieved his objective ofbetter central control and may claim atleast full equality thanks to 4.ds.10 g3 asAs we've seen before, this is a com­mon theme in Sniper positions.Neu­tralizing the most aggressive minorAn incredible move that is com­ piece normally takes any sting out of apletely justified as you will soon see.White attack.s.ixds11 f4 'ilc7 12 c3 dxc3 13 xc3 tt:'lxb3 14The alternatively capture 5 exds istt:'lxb3 bScovered in Game 53.A clever idea to gain space, but it124 Other 1 e4 Lines for Whitewas better to grab central squares with 19 if2 a614.ltd8 15 ýÿe3 b6 16.l:i.fd1 and now Now.a6 has lost a bit of its16.ýÿxc3! (another Sniper Sacrifice) 17 punch and White can equalize.bxc3 ýÿb7.20.l:f.fe1 a5 'filc7 22 tt:J5c6b7 21The trade on c3 is lly justified The error of 18.fs is revealed: thehere: white queen protects cs and a7, other­1.White's pawn structure is dam­ wise Black would have.l:i.xa7 with aaged and the influential knight has winning position.been removed to allow the b7-bishop 22.l:f.fe8 23.:tac1.24 b6 'i¥b7 25f6to arrive with tempo by attacking e4.Itc2 h5?!2.Black's bishop is far better than Better was 2S.d3! 26.l:i.d2 c4White's, and the advantageous posi­ and Black has once again won the cen­tion of Black's knight over White's is tral battle.This instructive two-movealso a factor.manoeuvre is well worth appreciating3.Even though the dark squares as it leads to a clear advantage to Black,around Black's king are rather weak, in contrast to the equal position of­White cannot easily exploit them.fered by Black's move in the game.15 ýÿe3 b4 16 l2:lb5 l2:lxa7 i 26 d1 h4 27 cd2c6 17 xe4The battle for the centre is won and It may superficially appear asthe ll point should follow.though White has won the battle for18 c5 l2:lf5?! the centre but Black has a clever way ofIt seemed attractive to secure the fighting back:knight and gain a tempo, but this was 27.1:txa7! 28 xa7 c4an error.It was better to play 18.a6 Black gets an excellent diagonal forimmediately, which would make the bishop but White's position is stillBlack's life easy and continue to keep a preferable - Sniper players must lookclear advantage.back to 2S.d3! or 18.ýÿa6!.125 Th e Sniper.29 dS g7 30 l:ld7 2S d3 rather than 2S.hs, and alsoBlack is also struggling after 30 18.Si.a6 rather than 18.4Jfs.b6!.a8 32 Si.xh4 ds30.'ýÿe4 31 ýÿe1 33bs? Game 52A tactical error.These types of errorare easy to make in time pressure, even 1973for 2300-strength players.33.1Vc6 1 d4 g6 2 e4.c4 c5 4 ýÿf3 d5!! 5g7 3.xds e6 6 b3 cxd4 7 e2 e7 8 c3!Black regains material and is betterin the centre.We all know what hap­ This is a dangerous move that re­pens when the Sniper is better in the quires careful attention.However, withcentre - the full point normally follows! some precise play Black always has34 ýÿxd5 exd5 35 a7 ýÿxe1+ 36 ii'xe1 more than enough to counter White's"ib'a4 37 f2 d4 38 c8 d3 middlegame activity.While White has been saving his 8.dxc3knight, Black's central pawn has be­ Black reasons that he can success­come a major asset [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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