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    .An involvement in dangerous circumstances together may give hercause to ponder upon the nature of death, and lead her to re-examine her attitude about thepossibility of an after-life.Pluto in the 2ndWhen the man's Pluto falls in the second house of his female partner's horoscope, her experienceswith him may cause her to be-come aware of the most deep-seated motives that regulate her attitudeto money and possessions.The way he acts may cause her to ask herself on what her standard ofvalues is really based, and to re-examine her whole attitude towards the question of security.If thecross-aspects to Pluto are particularly harmonious he may be the means of bringing her muchfinancial gain.If his Pluto is afflicted at birth and the cross-aspects to it are discordant, he may beinstrumental in involving her in losses which cause her to reflect that true wealth cannot be measuredsatisfactorily on any material basis.When this link is present, she would be well advised not to allowhim too much say in how she conducts her financial affairs, even though he may appear to take aspecial interest in them, and even if she feels that he can help her to achieve some spectacularbreakthrough on the financial front.Pluto in the 3rdWhen the man's Pluto falls in the third house of his female partner's horoscope he may exercise apowerful effect on her way of thinking, though there can sometimes be an element of reciprocity andsome of her ideas may eventually assume a significance for him that he did not at first realize theycontained.His ideas may challenge her to think in a new way and put her in touch with areas ofknowledge that eventually lead her to adopt an entirely new way of looking at things.At the sametime she should not allow him to try and coerce her into merely copying his own thought patterns.When a parent-child relationship is involved, the parent's Pluto falling in the child's third house is likelyto denote that he has a special interest in the child's education and he may want to dictate exactlyhow the education should develop. Pluto in the 4thWhen the man's Pluto falls in the fourth house of his female partner's horoscope or more particularly,when it falls in conjunction with her Lower Meridian, the relationship may make her conscious ofsome of her instinctive and habitual responses that were previously almost automatic.She will belikely to have strong feelings for him based on an instinctive feeling of attraction and repulsion and insome way he may invoke vivid memories of some past experience, possibly related to a previous life,that takes hold of her to such an extent that she may find that it has a striking psychological effectupon her.He may exercise some strong influence over her domestic environment and perhaps overher career.If the cross-aspects to his Pluto are discordant, he may affect her career adversely,bringing to light some long forgotten misdemeanor on her part that reflects on her good name.In aparent-child relationship, where it is the parent's Pluto that is involved, he may have had a greatinfluence upon the child's early upbringing or the child may have unconsciously tried to copy him or ifthe cross-aspects were discordant, he may have avoided following that parent's example at all costs.The parent may want to dictate what career the child should follow and he may be keen for his childto follow in his own footsteps.He may try to urge the child to leave home as soon as possible oralternatively to hold on to him as long as possible, according to the nature of the cross-aspects toPluto.Pluto in the 5thWhen the man's Pluto falls in the fifth house of his female partner's horoscope, he may in some waybe responsible for making her aware of some latent creative talents which he may enable her todevelop with dramatic effect, either by example or suggestion.When the couple are of a suitable agea very strong emotional link can exist between them, though a great deal may depend upon thecross-aspects to Pluto as to the nature of any involvement and the way it develops.There will be atendency for many of her contemporaries to have their Pluto re-located in this same house, so thatthis stimulus may indicate a susceptibility to become emotionally involved with them.The net resultmay be to encourage her to investigate the underlying motives that give rise to this susceptibility.Ifshe finds that her passions are becoming unduly involved she may find that she is eventuallycompelled to transform her whole attitude and approach to affairs of the heart.In some way he mayhave a far-reaching influence upon her attitude to leisure, the pursuit of pleasure and her spare timeactivities.If she has children and Pluto is afflicted at birth and the cross-aspects to it are discordant,his influence over her children may be undesirable [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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