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    .These programs list each given file ordirectory name.Directory contents are sorted alphabetically.For ls, files are by default listed in columns,sorted vertically, if the standard output is a terminal; otherwise they are listed one per line.For dir, files areby default listed in columns, sorted vertically.For vdir, files are by default listed in long format.dircolorsdircolors outputs commands to set the LS_COLOR environment variable.The LS_COLOR variable is use tochange the default color scheme used by ls and related utilities.dudu displays the amount of disk space used by each argument and for each subdirectory of directory arguments.installinstall copies files and sets their permission modes and, if possible, their owner and group.lnln makes hard or soft (symbolic) links between files.cp 56 Linux From Scratchmkdirmkdir creates directories with a given name.mkfifomkfifo creates a FIFO with each given name.mknodmknod creates a FIFO, character special file, or block special file with the given file name.mvmv moves files from one directory to another or renames files, depending on the arguments given to mv.rmrm removes files or directories.rmdirrmdir removes directories, if they are empty.syncsync forces changed blocks to disk and updates the super block.touchtouch changes the access and modification times of each given file to the current time.Files that do not existare created empty.mkdir 57 Installing GCC on the normal system if necessaryInstallation of GCC on the normal system if necessaryIn order to compile Glibc-2.1.3 later on you need to have gcc-2.95.2 installed.Although any GCC versionabove 2.8 would do, 2.95.2 is the highly recommended version to use.egcs-2.91.x is also known to work.Ifyou don't have gcc-2.95.x or egcs-2.91.x you need to install gcc-2.95.2 on your normal sytem before youcan compile Glibc later in this chapter.To find out which compiler version your systems has, run the following command:root:~# gcc --versionIf you normal Linux system does not have gcc-2.95.x or egcs-2.91.x installed you need to install it now.Wewon't replace the current compiler on your system, but instead we will install gcc in a separate directory(/usr/local/gcc2952).This way no binaries or header files will be replaced.After you unpacked the gcc-2.95.2 archive don't enter the newly created gcc-2.95.2 directory but stay in the$LFS/usr/src directory.Install GCC by running the following commands:root:src# mkdir $LFS/usr/src/gcc-buildroot:src# cd $LFS/usr/src/gcc-buildroot:gcc-build#./gcc-2.95.2/configure \> --prefix=/usr/local/gcc2952 \> --with-local-prefix=/usr/local/gcc2952 \> --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/local/gcc2952/include/g++ \> --enable-shared --enable-languages=c,c++root:gcc-build# make bootstraproot:gcc-build# make installContentsThe GCC package contains compilers, preprocessors and the GNU C++ Library.DescriptionInstalling GCC on the normal system if necessary 58 Linux From ScratchCompilerA compiler translates source code in text format to a format that a computer understands.After a source codefile is compiled into an object file, a linker will create an executable file from one or more of these compilergenerated object files.Pre-processorA pre-processor pre-processes a source file, such as including the contents of header files into the sourcefile.You generally don't do this yourself to save yourself a lot of time.You just insert a line like #include.The pre-processor file insert the contents of that file into the source file.That's one of the thingsa pre-processor does.C++ LibraryThe C++ library is used by C++ programs.The C++ library contains functions that are frequently used inC++ programs.This way the programmer doesn't have to write certain functions (such as writing a string oftext to the screen) from scratch every time he creates a program.Compiler 59 Installing GCC on the LFS systemInstallation of GCC on the LFS systemAfter you unpacked the gcc-2.95.2 archive don't enter the newly created gcc-2.95.2 directory but stay in the$LFS/usr/src directory.Install GCC by running the following commands:root:src# mkdir $LFS/usr/src/gcc-buildroot:src# cd $LFS/usr/src/gcc-buildroot:gcc-build#./gcc-2.95.2/configure --prefix=/usr \> --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/g++ \> --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-nlsroot:gcc-build# make -e LDFLAGS=-static bootstraproot:gcc-build# make prefix=$LFS/usrlocal_prefix=$LFS/usr/local \> gxx_include_dir=$LFS/usr/include/g++ installCreating necessary symlinksThe system needs a few symlinks to ensure every program is able to find the compiler and the pre-processor.Some programs run the cc program, others run the gcc program.Some programs expect the cpp program in/lib and others expect to find it in /usr/bin.Create those symlinks by running:Replace with the directory where the gcc-2.95.2 files are installed (which is i686-unknown-linux inmy case).Create the symlinks by running:root:~# cd $LFS/libroot:lib# ln -s./usr/lib/gcc-lib//2.95 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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