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    .10) Weform the Possessive Case of plural nouns that do not end in "s" m exactly the same wayas we form the Possessive Case of singular nouns.11) We form the Possessive Case of aplural noun which already ends in "s" by adding just the apostrophe, but not the "s".Forexample, "The girls' coats were hanging on the wall".12) No, I do not speak Englishslower and slower the more I practise, but faster and faster.13) The roads are becomingmore and more dangerous every year because there are more and more cars on them.14)Because the word "slow" has only one syllable, whilst the word "dangerous" has threesyllables.EXERCISE 411) Whereabouts in a sentence do the words "also, as well" and "too" usually go ? - Andgive me an example of each.2) What is the difference between the words "who" and"whom" ? - And give an example of each.3) What do we generally say instead of "towhom are you speaking" - and why ? 4) What is the difference between "shut up" and"be quiet" ? 5) When do we use the auxiliary verb "do" in a positive sentence with thePresent Simple Tense ? 6) When do we usually use the emphatic "do" ? - And give me an example.7) Give the answer to this sentence using the emphatic form - "They do notwork very hard".8) What is another use of the emphatic "do" ? 9) Give an example ofthe emphatic "do" as used in an exclamation.10) Give the answer to this sentence usingthe emphatic form in the past - "You did not come here yesterday".11) Show byexample the difference between the words "in" and "within".ANSWERS1) The word "also" usually goes between the subject and the verb, whilst the words "aswell" and "too" usually go at the end of the sentence.For example, "I also like to go tothe cinema" or "I like to go to the cinema too (or as well)".2) The word "who" is thesubject of a verb, whilst, for the object of a verb, we use the word "whom".For example,"Who is speaking to you ?" and "To whom are you speaking ?" 3) Instead of "To whomare you speaking ?", we generally say "Who are you speaking to ?", because it is easier tosay.4) "Shut up" is less polite than "be quiet".5) We use the auxiliary verb "do" in apositive sentence with the Present Simple Tense when we wish to be emphatic aboutsomething.6) We usually use the emphatic "do" when someone denies something we sayand which we know to be true.For example, "You don't know what I've got in mypocket" - "Yes, I do know what you've got in your pocket." 7) "Yes, they do work veryhard." 8) Another use of the emphatic "do" is in an exclamation.9) "I do like your newdress!" 10) "Yes, I did come here yesterday".11) If, for example, the time now is 6o'clock, and I went out of the room and said "I'll be back in an hour's time", it wouldmean that I would be back at 7 o'clock.If, however, I went out of the room and said "I'llbe back within an hour", it would mean that I would be back at any time between nowand 7 o'clock.EXERCISE 421) When do we use the Past Perfect Tense ? - And give an example.2) When do we usethe Present Perfect Tense ? - And give an example.3) How do we form the FuturePerfect Tense ? When do we use it ? - And give an example.4) What do the letters"e.g." mean ? 5) Write down all the persons beginning "Here I am".6) What is thedifference between "mind" and "brain"? 7) Answer the following questions with theshort form - a) Did you come here yesterday ? b) Can you speak Russian ? c) Will youopen the window, please ? 8) What is the Past of "shall" ? 9) What is the Past of "will"?10) What is the Past of "must" ? 11) Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech- a) "I am going to go home", she said, b) "Richard has just come in", I said, c) "I thinkthey will go home immediately after the theatre", John said, d) "I had my bag with mewhen I left the shop", said my mother, e) "If Mary were here, you would not dare saysuch a thing", I said. ANSWERS1) We use the Past Perfect Tense when there are two actions in the past, and one action isbefore the other.For example, "I had studied English before I went to England".2) Weuse the Present Perfect Tense when an action is finished, but the time is not finished.Forexample, "I have studied English this week".3) We form the Future Perfect Tense withthe verb "to have" and a past participle.We use it for an action that will be finishedbefore a certain time in the future.For example, "Before two o'clock tomorrow, I shallhave finished my lunch." 4) The letters "e.g." mean "exempli gratis" from the Latin, andmean "for example".5) Here I am; Here you are; Here he is; Here she is; Here it is; Herewe are; Here you are; Here they are.6) "Mind" we use in the abstract sense, whereas"brain" we use in the physical sense.7) a) Yes, I did.b) Yes, I can (or No, I can't), c)Yes, I will.8) The Past of "shall" is "should".9) The Past of "will" is "would".10) ThePast of "must" is "had to".11) a) She said that she was going to go home, b) I said thatRichard had just come in.c) John said that he thought they would go home immediatelyafter the theatre, d) My mother said that she had her bag with her when she left the shop,e) I said that, if Mary were here, you would not dare say such a thing.EXERCISE 431) Do we need to use the word "that" when we use Indirect Speech ? 2) Is it correct tosay "To whom are you speaking ?" 3) Write out the complete imperative of the verb "tochoose".4) Explain the meaning of the word "overeat" in other words.5) What is thedifference between a guest and a host ? 6) How do we form the Past, Present and FuturePerfect Progressive Tenses ? - And give an example of each.7) What is another name forthese tenses? 8) What is the difference between the ordinary Progressive Tense and thePerfect Progressive Tense? - and give an example of each [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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