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    .ÿþ318 notes to pages 216 22668. New York Chapter, Journal of the AIA, 1 (January 1913), pp.43 44.69.Reinberger,  James Knox Taylor.70.For biographical information on Wenderoth, see Sherman Allen to ThomasP.Gore, 28 March 1913, General Correspondence, 1910 1929; and  OscarWenderoth, Who Was Who in America with World Notables, Vol.V, 1969 1973(Chicago: Marquis Who s Who, Inc., 1973), p.768.71.Oscar Wenderoth to Paul Gerhardt, 24 July 1912, General Correspondence,1910 1939.72.Wenderoth to MacVeagh, 27 August 1912, General Correspondence, 19101913.73.Second draft of Annual Report of the Supervising Architect s Office for theFiscal Year Ending June 30, 1913, General Correspondence, 1910 1939.74.Memorandum regarding Outside Architects, 20 December 1912, GeneralCorrespondence, 1910 1939.75.Second draft of Annual Report of the Supervising Architect s Office for theFiscal Year Ending June 30, 1913, General Correspondence, 1910 1939.76.Report on Standardization of Buildings, 21 September 1912, GeneralCorrespondence, 1910 1939.77.Second draft of Annual Report of the Supervising Architect s Office for theFiscal Year Ending June 30, 1913, General Correspondence, 1910 1939.78.Wenderoth to Thomas Hastings, 23 October 1912, General Correspon-dence,1910 1939.79.Wenderoth to William G.McAdoo, 16 November 1914, General Corre-spon-dence, 1910 1939.80.Wenderoth to McAdoo, 30 November 1914, General Correspondence, 19101939.81.Newton to C.O.Lobeck, 25 February 1915, General Correspondence, 19101939.82.Wenderoth to W.B.Kilpatrick, 12 September 1915, General Correspon-dence, 1910 1939.83.Obituary of James A.Wetmore, The Federal Architect (April 1940), p.8.84.Ibid.85.Report on Standardization of Buildings, 21 September 1912, General Corre-spondence, 1910 1939.86.Obituary of James A.Wetmore, p.8.87.Newton to Chairman, Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, Houseof Representatives, 4 May 1916, General Correspondence, 1910 1939.88.As quoted in Beth Grosvenor, How to Apply National Register Criteria to PostOffices (Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1984), p.14.89.McAdoo to Newton, 15 August 1915, General Correspondence, 1910 1939.90.Newton to Chairman, House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds,4 May 1916, General Correspondence, 1910 1939.91.Annual Report of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department for theFiscal Year Ended June 30, 1916, (Washington, D.C.: Government PrintingOffice, 1916), p.4.92.Annual Report of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department for theFiscal Year Ended June 30, 1917 (Washington, D.C.: Government PrintingOffice, 1917), p.4.93.Newton to Assistant Secretary J.H.Moyle, 11 November 1917, GeneralCorrespondence, 1910 1939.94.James A.Wetmore to Courtland M.Fenquay, 7 November 1923, GeneralCorrespondence, 1910 1939 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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