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    .As shown in Figure 14-9, Dreamweaver s Frameset Property inspector contains a Row/Columnselector to display the structure of the selected frameset.For each frameset, you select thetab along the top or left side of the Row/Column selector to choose the column or row youwant to modify.Size of selected row or column Column selector tabsRow selector tabsFigure 14-9: In the Frameset Property inspector, you use theRow/Column selector tabs to choose which frame you are goingto resize.The Row/Column selector shows only the rows and columns for one frameset at a time.TipTherefore, if your design uses nested framesets, you won t see an exact duplicate of yourentire Web page in the Row/Column selector.Whether you need to modify just a row, a column, or both a row and a column depends onthe location of the frame:&' If your frame spans the width of an entire page, like the top or bottom row shown inFigure 14-7, select the corresponding tab on the left side of the Row/Column selector.&' If your frame spans the height of an entire page, select the equivalent tab along the topof the Row/Column selector.&' If your frame does not span either the entire height or width, like the middle row inFigure 14-7, you need to select both its column and its row and modify the size of eachin turn. 174931-6 ch14.F 7/18/02 6:59 AM Page 487Chapter 14 &' Using Frames and Framesets487Once you have selected the row or column, follow these steps to specify its size:1.To specify the size in pixels, enter a number in the Property inspector s Value text boxand select Pixels as the Units option.2.To specify the size as a percentage of the screen, enter a number from 1 to 100 in theValue text box and select Percent as the Units option.3.To specify a size relative to the other columns or rows, first select Relative as the Unitsoption.Now you have two options:" To set the size to occupy the remainder of the screen, delete any number thatmay be entered in the Value text box; optionally, you can enter 1." To scale the frame relative to the other rows or columns, type the scale factor inthe Value text box.For example, if you want the frame to be twice the size ofanother relative frame, put a 2 in the Value text box.The Relative size operator is generally used to indicate that you want the current frame to takeTipup the balance of the frameset column or row.This operator makes it easy to specify a size with-out having to calculate pixel widths and ensures that the frame has the largest possible size.Manipulating frameset bordersBy default, Dreamweaver sets up your framesets so that all the frames have borders that areinvisible when viewed in a browser.You can, however, set borders to be visible, alter the bor-der color, or change the border width.All of the border controls are handled through theFrameset Property inspector.Dreamweaver also provides border controls for individual frames.Just as table cell settingsTipoverride options set for the entire table, the individual frame options override those deter-mined for the entire frameset, as described in the section  Working with the Frame Propertyinspector, later in this chapter.Use the frameset border controls when you want to make aglobal change to the borders, such as turning them all off.If you are working with nested framesets, it s important that you select the outermost frame-set before you begin making any modifications to the borders.You can tell that you veselected the outermost frameset by looking at the Dreamweaver Tag Selector; it shows onlyone in bold.If you select an inner nested frameset, you see more than onein the Tag Selector.Enabling bordersWhen a frameset is first created, Dreamweaver sets borders to be invisible in all browsers.You can expressly turn the frameset borders on or off through the Property inspector.Unfortunately, different browsers control frame borders differently.Some browsers base thepresence of borders on the value in the Borders drop-down list, while others use the Borderwidth text box.To enable borders for all browsers, enter a nonzero number in the BorderWidth text box; and in the Borders drop-down list of options, choose Yes.The opposite is also true; if you want borders to be invisible for all browsers, set the Bordersdrop-down list to No, and specify 0 for the Border Width.If you turn off the borders for yourframeset, you can still work in Dreamweaver with View ª' Frame Borders enabled, whichgives you quick access to modifying the frameset.The borders are not displayed, however,when your Web page is previewed in a browser. 174931-6 ch14.F 7/18/02 6:59 AM Page 488Part II &' Web Design and Layout488Border color optionsTo change the frameset border color, select the Border Color text box and then enter either acolor name or a hexadecimal color value.You can also select the color box and choose a newborder color from the color picker.Clicking the small painter s palette in the upper-right cor-ner of the color picker opens the Color dialog box, just as for other color pickers inDreamweaver.CautionIf you have nested framesets on your Web page, make sure you ve selected the correctframeset before you make any modifications through the Property inspector.Modifying a FrameWhat makes the whole concept of a Web page frameset work so well is the flexibility of eachframe:&' You can design your page so that some frames are fixed in size while others areexpandable.&' You can attach scroll bars to some frames and not others.&' Any frame can have its own background image, and yet all frames can appear as oneseamless picture.&' Borders can be enabled  and colored  for one set of frames but left off for another set.Dreamweaver uses a Frame Property inspector to specify most of a frame s attributes.Othersare handled through devices already familiar to you, such as the Page Properties dialog box.Page propertiesEach frame is its own HTML document, and as such, each frame can have independentpage properties.To alter the page properties of a frame, position the cursor in the frame andthen choose Modify ª' Page Properties.You can also use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+J(Command+J).Alternatively, you can select Page Properties from the context menu by right-clicking (Control+clicking) any open space on the frame s page.From the Page Properties dialog box, you can assign a title, although it is not visible to theuser unless the frame is viewed as a separate page.If you plan to use the individual frames asseparate pages in your content (see  Handling Frameless Browsers, at the endof this chapter), it s good practice to title every page.You can also assign a background and the various link colors to the nonframe content byselecting the desired color box or entering a color name into the appropriate text box.However, the HTML attributes inserted by these options are deprecated; you may wish toinstead use Cascading Style Sheets, discussed in Chapter 20, to control these page properties [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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