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    .Figure 19-2: The Security dialog box. 454 Part III &' Beyond Mastery: Initiative within OfficeSelect one of the four zones and click Custom Level to open the Security Settings dialogbox.Configure settings as needed and then click OK.Change other zones as needed, clickOK on the Security dialog box to close it, and return to Outlook.The default settings for Outlook generally provide good protection against unwanted contentNote and malicious code.For that reason, you should modify the security settings only if you havea very specific reason to do so.For that reason, and because these settings are more appli-cable to Internet Explorer than to Outlook, this chapter doesn t cover zone settings in detail.Using RulesRules are sets of instructions that you create to tell Outlook how to handle certain types ofmessages.Rules are sometimes called filters, and they are often used to screen out unwantedmessages.You can set up your own rules to give special handling to important messages andto send junk mail directly to the Deleted Items folder without it ever appearing in yourInbox.You can set up rules for handling both incoming and outgoing e-mail messages.Most of thetime, you ll only concern yourself with incoming messages.Still, it s nice to know that youcan automate both if necessary, and there are some important uses for outgoing rules.Forexample, you might want to keep a copy of outgoing messages to certain people in a folderother than Sent Items to make these messages easier to locate.For example, you could createa folder for several of your most important clients, and store sent messages for those peoplein their respective folders.Although it s really quite easy to set up rules, Outlook has a few rules that have been set upand are ready to use immediately.In the following sections, you learn first about setting uprules of your own and then about how you can use the junk e-mail lists that are built intoOutlook.Using the Rules WizardOutlook provides a Rules Wizard to help you set up your own rules for handling e-mailmessages.This Rules Wizard steps you through the entire process so that creating ormodifying rules is really simple and straightforward.Creating a ruleTo use the Rules Wizard to set up an e-mail message-handling rule, follow these steps:1.Select Tools Rules and Alerts.This will display the Rules and Alerts dialog box(Figure 19-3). Chapter 19 &' Processing Outlook Messages Automatically 455Figure 19-3: The Rules and Alerts dialog box.2.Click the New Rule button to start the Rules Wizard, and begin creating a new rule.You can start from a blank rule or use one of several rule templates to create therule, as explained in the next step.3.Select a rule template from the Step 1 box, as shown in Figure 19-4.As you selectdifferent types of rules, the Step 2 box provides a brief description of the rule.Ifyou choose the option Start from a Blank Rule, you can instead choose CheckMessages When They Arrive or Check Messages After Sending to create a rule thatprocesses messages either when they arrive or when you send them, respectively.Figure 19-4: Use the Rules Wizard to create and modify Outlook message rules. 456 Part III &' Beyond Mastery: Initiative within OfficeChoosing a rule template simply predefines certain rule properties.You can then modifyTipthese properties to customize the rule as needed.If you choose to start from a blank rule,you must manually select all rule properties.The general process is the same regardless ofwhich method you choose.4.Click Next to continue.5.Scroll through the Which condition(s) do you want to check? list box, and choosethe items that you want to apply to this rule.You can specify multiple conditions.Keep in mind that all the conditions that you choose must be met before the rulewill be applied.If you were to choose both the where my name is in the To box andthe where my name is in the Cc box conditions, for example, the rule would applyonly if your name were in both the To and the Cc boxes.The more conditions youspecify, the less likely it is that any message will meet the full set of conditions.It sgenerally better to set as few conditions as possible  you can always go back laterand add additional conditions if you discover that the rule is too broad.6.After you have applied all the necessary conditions to the rule, click each of theunderlined items in the Rule description list box in turn.This will enable you toedit the item, as shown in Figure 19-5.Figure 19-5: Click the underlined values to replace each with specific conditioncriteria. Chapter 19 &' Processing Outlook Messages Automatically 4577.The choices you must make will vary depending on the type of value you areediting.When you have selected all the items for the selected value, click OK tocontinue.8.If there are additional underlined items, click each in turn and choose the values.When you have completed your selections, the Rules Wizard dialog box shouldlook something like Figure 19-6, with no remaining underlined items that need tobe specified.Figure 19-6: Make certain that you have specified the values for all underlineditems before continuing.9.Click the Next button to continue.10.Choose any additional actions for this rule from the What do you want to do withthe message? list box, as shown in Figure 19-7. 458 Part III &' Beyond Mastery: Initiative within OfficeFigure 19-7: Add any additional actions for the rule.11.Notice that specifying additional actions generally adds additional underlined itemsto the Rule description list box.Click the new underlined items to edit them as youdid for the rule conditions.Click OK when you are done specifying the actions.12.Click the Next button in the wizard to continue.13.If necessary, select any exceptions to the rule using the options in the Are ThereAny Exceptions list box.If you add exceptions, you may need to edit additionalunderlined items that appear in the rule description list box.14.Click the Next button to continue.15.Enter a descriptive name in the Specify a name for this rule text box (Figure 19-8).The name you enter should clearly identify the rule  especially if you plan tospecify a number of rules in the future. Chapter 19 &' Processing Outlook Messages Automatically 459Figure 19-8: Set final options for the rule.16.If you want to apply the new rule to existing messages, select the Run this rule nowon messages already in  Inbox check box.Selecting this option is a good way tocheck the operation of your new rule.17.Make certain the Turn on this rule check box is selected.You can deselect thischeckbox if you don t want the rule to apply immediately, but you ll have toremember to apply the rule later.18 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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