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    .,New York, 1998), 192; J.C.Calhoun,  Speech on the Oregon Bill, in Union andLiberty: The Political Philosophy of John C.Calhoun, ed.R.M.Lence (Indianapolis,1992), 566, 568 69; Harry V.Jaffa, A New Birth of Freedom: Abraham Lincoln andthe Coming of the Civil War (Lanham, MD, 2000), 431.10.O Brien, Conjectures of Order, 799 816.Douglas did not invent  popularsovereignty as a political slogan.As a program for dealing with the territorialproblem, it was proposed by Lewis Cass as part of a plan for dealing with theMexican Cession; but as an idea, it had practical roots in the Dorr Rebellion of1841 42, which saw Democrats line up behind the Dorrites on the grounds thatthe  People s Constitution represented a majority of the voters of Rhode Island.See Patrick T.Conley,  Popular Sovereignty or Public Anarchy? America Debatesthe Dorr Rebellion, Rhode Island History 60 (Summer 2002): 72 73.11.Stephen A.Douglas,  Speech in the Senate on the Lecompton Constitu-tion, March 22, 1857, in Clark E.Carr, Stephen A.Douglas: His Life, Public Ser-vices, Speeches and Patriotism (Chicago, 1909), 231; James W.Sheahan, The Life ofStephen A.Douglas (New York, 1860), 144; Stephen A.Douglas,  The President sMessage, Congressional Globe, December 9, 1857, 35th Cong., 1st sess., 18; Douglas,in Robert W.Johannsen, Stephen A.Douglas (Urbana, IL, 1973), 501.12.Stephen A.Douglas,  To Twenty-Five Chicago Clergymen, April 6, 1854,in The Letters of Stephen A.Douglas, ed.Robert W.Johannsen (Urbana, IL, 1961),300 313, and  Clerical Protest, Congressional Globe, March 14, 1854, 33rd Cong., 86 lincoln and natural law1st sess., 617 23; Douglas, in Sheahan, Life of Stephen A.Douglas, 184, 267; J.DavidGreenstone, The Lincoln Persuasion: Remaking American Liberalism (Princeton, NJ,1993), 149 51; Stewart Winger, Lincoln, Religion, and Romantic Cultural Politics(DeKalb, IL, 2003), 29 34.13. Political Responsibilities, American Whig Review 83 (November 1851): 362,364 65; Orestes Brownson,  Democracy and Liberty, Democratic Review 12 (April1843): 374 80; Lincoln,  Address before the Young Men s Lyceum of Springfield,Illinois, January 27, 1838, in The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, ed.Roy P.Basler (New Brunswick, NJ, 1953 55), 1:112.14.Lincoln,  Protest in Illinois Legislature on Slavery, March 3, 1837,  Speechat Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854, and  To Albert G.Hodges, April 4, 1864,in Collected Works, 1:75, 2:254, 7:281.15.Lincoln,  Speech at Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854, and  To Jesse W.Fell, Enclosing Autobiography, December 20, 1859, in Collected Works, 2:265 66,3:512;  Mr.Douglas Speech in  The Ottawa Debate, in The Lincoln-DouglasDebates of 1858, ed.Edwin Erle Sparks (Springfield, IL, 1908), 95.16.Lincoln,  Speech at Springfield, Illinois, October 4, 1854,  Fragment onSlavery, July 1, 1854, and  Address to the New Jersey Senate at Trenton, NewJersey, February 21, 1861, in Collected Works, 2:222, 245, 4:236; Joseph R.Fornieri,Abraham Lincoln s Political Faith (DeKalb, IL, 2003), 49 50.On Southern re-sponses to other natural law arguments against slavery, see Elizabeth Fox-Genoveseand Eugene D.Genovese, The Mind of the Master Class: History and Faith in theSouthern Slaveholders Worldview (Cambridge, Eng., 2005), 624 30.17. Mr.Lincoln s Reply, in  The Ottawa Debate, and  Mr.Lincoln s Reply,in  The Galesburg Debate, Sparks, Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 102, 353; DavidPotter, The Impending Crisis, 1848 1861 (New York, 1976), 345, 352; Lincoln,  ToHenry L.Pierce, April 6, 1859, in Collected Works, 3:374; Paul Berman, Terror andLiberalism (New York, 2003), 166 71.18.Lincoln,  Speech at Cincinnati, Ohio, September 17, 1859, and  Speechat New Haven, Connecticut, March 6, 1860, in Collected Works, 3:462, 4:24;Eric Foner,  The Ideology of the Republican Party, in The Birth of the GrandOld Party: The Republicans First Generation, ed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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