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    .You canalso use selection tools, because the quick mask isA.Opaque mask used to protect the background and colorthe shell.B.Opaque mask used to protect the shell and colornot a selection.the background.C.Semitransparent mask used to color thebackground and part of the shell. CHAPTER 7198Using Channels and MasksStart with a selected area and use Quick Mask shrinking the selection.Painting with whitemode to add to or subtract from it to make the removes areas from the mask, expanding themask.Alternatively, create the mask entirely in selection.Painting with gray or another colorQuick Mask mode.Color differentiates the creates a semitransparent area, useful for feath-protected and unprotected areas.When you leave ering or anti-aliased effects.Quick Mask mode, the unprotected areas become4 Click the Standard mode button ( ) in thea selection.toolbox to turn off the quick mask and return toyour original image.A selection border nowA temporary Quick Mask channel appears in thesurrounds the unprotected area of the quick mask.Channels palette while you work in Quick Maskmode.However, you do all mask editing in theIf a feathered mask is converted to a selection, theimage window.boundary line runs halfway between the blackpixels and the white pixels of the mask gradient.To create a temporary mask:The selection boundary indicates the pixels1 Using any selection tool, select the part of the transition from being less than 50% selected toimage you want to change.more than 50% selected.2 Click the Quick Mask mode button ( ) in the5 Apply the desired changes to the image.toolbox.Changes affect only the selected area.6 Choose Select > Deselect to deselect theselection, or save the selection.To change the Quick Mask options:1 Double-click the Quick Mask modebutton ( ) in the toolbox.2 Choose from the following display options:Selected area, and Quick Mask mode applied" Masked Areas (the default) to have masked(protected or unselected) areas appear blackA color overlay (similar to a rubylith) covers and(opaque) and to have selected areas appear whiteprotects the area outside the selection.The(transparent).Painting with black increases theoriginal selection is left unprotected by this mask.masked, protected area; painting with whiteBy default, Quick Mask mode colors the protectedincreases the selected area.area using a red, 50% opaque overlay.With this option, the Quick Mask button in the3 To edit the mask, select a painting or editingtoolbox appears as a white circle on a graytool from the toolbox, or select a filter orbackground ( ).adjustment command from the menu bar.By default, painting with black adds to the mask, ADOBE PHOTOSHOP 6.0 199User Guide" Selected Areas to have masked or protected areasStoring masks in alpha channelsappear white (transparent) and to have selectedIn addition to the temporary masks of Quick Maskareas appear black (opaque).Painting with whitemode, you can create more permanent masks byincreases the masked, protected area; paintingstoring them in alpha channels.This allows you towith black increases the selected area.use the masks again in the same image or in aWith this option, the Quick Mask button in thedifferent image.toolbox appears as a gray circle on a whiteYou can create an alpha channel in Photoshop andbackground ( ).then add a mask to it.You can also save an existingTo toggle between the Masked Areas andselection in a Photoshop or ImageReady image asSelected Areas options for quick masks, Alt-clickan alpha channel that will appear in the Channels(Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) the Quickpalette in Photoshop.Mask mode button.3 To choose a new mask color, click the color box,About alpha channels (Photoshop)and choose a new color.An alpha channel has these properties:For more information, see  Using the" Each image (except 16-bit images) can containAdobe Color Picker in online Help.up to 24 channels, including all color and alpha4 To change the opacity, enter a value between 0% channels.and 100%." All channels are 8-bit grayscale images, capableBoth the color and opacity settings affect only the of displaying 256 levels of gray.appearance of the mask and have no effect on how" You can specify a name, color, mask option,underlying areas are protected.Changing theseand opacity for each channel.(The opacity affectssettings may make the mask more easily visiblethe preview of the channel, not the image.)against the colors in the image." All new channels have the same dimensions and5 Click OK.number of pixels as the original image.You can convert this temporary mask to a" You can edit the mask in an alpha channel usingpermanent alpha channel by switching to standardthe painting and editing tools.mode and choosing Select > Save Selection. CHAPTER 7200Using Channels and MasksCreating alpha channels (Photoshop) 5 Click the eye icon ( ) next to a color channel orthe composite color channel to display the imageYou can create a new alpha channel and then usewith a color overlay.painting or editing tools to add the mask to it.6 Use a painting or editing tool to paint in theTo create an alpha channel using current options:image.Paint with black to add to the new channel,paint with white to remove from the new channel,1 Click the New Channel button ( ) at theor paint with a lower opacity or a color to add tobottom of the Channels palette.The new channelthe new channel with lower opacities.is named according to the sequence in which itwas created.Saving a mask selection2 Use a painting or editing tool to paint in theimage.Paint with black to add to the channel;You can save any selection as a mask in a new orpaint with white to remove from the channel;existing alpha channel.paint with a lower opacity or a color to add to thechannel with lower opacities.To save a selection to a new channel with defaultoptions (Photoshop):To create an alpha channel and specify options:1 Select the area or areas of the image that you1 Do one of the following: want to isolate." Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) 2 Click the Save Selection button ( ) at thethe New Channel button ( ) at the bottom of bottom of the Channels palette.A new channelthe palette.appears, named according to the sequence inwhich it was created." Choose New Channel from the Channelspalette menu.To save a selection to a new or existing channel:2 Type a name for the channel.1 Select the area or areas of the image that you3 Select display options for the channel, aswant to isolate.described in steps 2 through 4 of the procedure for2 Choose Select > Save Selection [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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