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    .network addressable unit.An SNA term for an addressable entity.Examplesinclude LUs, PUs, and SSCPs.NAUs generally provide upper-level network services.Compare with path control network.NAUN.nearest active upstream neighbor.In Token Ring or IEEE 802.5 networks, theclosest upstream network device from any given device that is still active.NBMA.nonbroadcast multiaccess.A multiaccess network that either does not supportbroadcasting (such as X.25) or in which broadcasting is not feasible (for example, anSMDS broadcast group or an extended Ethernet that is too large).See also multiaccessnetwork.NBP.Name Binding Protocol.An AppleTalk transport-level protocol that translates acharacter string name into an internetwork address.NBS.National Bureau of Standards.An organization that was part of the U.S.Department of Commerce.Now known as NIST.See also NIST.NCP.Network Control Program.In SNA, a program that routes and controls the flowof data between a communications controller (in which it resides) and other networkresources.NCP/Token Ring Interconnection.See NTRI.NDIS.network driver interface specification.The specification for a generic,hardware- and protocol-independent device driver for NICs.Produced by Microsoft.nearest active upstream neighbor.See NAUN.NEARNET.A regional network in New England (United States) that links BostonUniversity, Harvard University, and MIT.Now part of BBN Planet.See also BBNPlanet.negative acknowledgment.See NAK.neighboring routers.In OSPF, two routers that have interfaces to a commonnetwork.On multiaccess networks, neighbors are dynamically discovered by theOSPF Hello protocol.NET.network entity title.Network addresses, defined by the ISO networkarchitecture, and used in CLNS-based networks.net.Short for network. CH01.book Page 452 Friday, January 7, 2000 5:35 PM452 NetBIOSNetBIOS.Network Basic Input/Output System.An API used by applications on anIBM LAN to request services from lower-level network processes.These servicesmight include session establishment and termination, and information transfer.NetView.An IBM network management architecture and related applications.NetView is a VTAM application used for managing mainframes in SNA networks.Seealso VTAM.NetWare.A popular distributed NOS developed by Novell.Provides transparentremote file access and numerous other distributed network services.NetWare Link Services Protocol.See NLSP.NetWare Loadable Module.See NLM.network.A collection of computers, printers, routers, switches, and other devices thatare able to communicate with each other over some transmission medium.network access point.See NAP.network access server.See access server.network address.A network layer address referring to a logical, rather than aphysical, network device.Also called a protocol address.Compare with MAC address.network addressable unit.See NAU.network administrator.A person responsible for the operation, maintenance, andmanagement of a network.See also network operator.network analyzer.A hardware or software device that offers various networktroubleshooting features, including protocol-specific packet decodes, specificpreprogrammed troubleshooting tests, packet filtering, and packet transmission.Network Basic Input/Output System.See NetBIOS.Network Control Program.See NCP.network driver interface specification.See NDIS.network entity title.See NET.Network File System.See NFS.Network Information Center.See NIC. CH01.book Page 453 Friday, January 7, 2000 5:35 PMNext Hop Resolution Protocol 453Network Information Service.See NIS.network interface.A boundary between a carrier network and a privately ownedinstallation.network interface card.See NIC.network layer.Layer 3 of the OSI reference model.This layer provides connectivityand path selection between two end systems.The network layer is the layer at whichrouting occurs.Corresponds roughly with the path control layer of the SNA model.See also application layer, data link layer, physical layer, presentation layer, sessionlayer, and transport layer.network management.Systems or actions that help maintain, characterize, ortroubleshoot a network.network management system.See NMS.network management vector transport.See NMVT.Network-to-Network Interface.See NNI.network node.See NN.Network Node Interface.See NNI.Network Node Server.An SNA NN that provides resource location and routeselection services for ENs, LEN nodes, and LUs that are in its domain.network number.Part of an IP address that specifies the network to which the hostbelongs.network operating system.See NOS.Network Operations Center.See NOC.network operator.A person who routinely monitors and controls a network,performing tasks such as reviewing and responding to traps, monitoring throughput,configuring new circuits, and resolving problems.See also network administrator.network service access point.See NSAP.Next Hop Resolution Protocol.See NHRP. CH01.book Page 454 Friday, January 7, 2000 5:35 PM454 NFSNFS.Network File System.As commonly used, a distributed file system protocolsuite developed by Sun Microsystems that allows remote file access across a network.In actuality, NFS is simply one protocol in the suite.NFS protocols include NFS, RPC,XDR (External Data Representation), and others.These protocols are part of a largerarchitecture that Sun refers to as ONC.See also ONC.NHRP.Next Hop Resolution Protocol.A protocol used by routers to dynamicallydiscover the MAC address of other routers and hosts connected to an NBMA network.These systems can then directly communicate without requiring traffic to use anintermediate hop, increasing performance in ATM, Frame Relay, SMDS, and X.25environments.NIC.1.network interface card.A board that provides network communicationcapabilities to and from a computer system.Also called an adapter.See also AUI.2.Network Information Center.An organization that serves the Internet community bysupplying user assistance, documentation, training, and other services.NIS.Network Information Service [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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