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    ."And he took him bythe right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and anklebones received strength.So he, leaping up, stood and walked and enteredthe temple with them walking, leaping, and praising God" (vv.7-8).When I first received the anointing, it was just a drop.The Lord126 UNLIMITED ANOINTINGgranted me just a small touch to see what I would do with it.As I grewspiritually, He increased my portion until today I have a greater measurethan I have ever experienced.It Must Be YoursThe reason Kathryn Kuhlman placed so much emphasis onrepentance, being cleansed by the blood and living a Spirit-filled life, isbecause she knew she did not have the power to save, heal or deliveranyone.If you turn your back on the Lord and lose His touch, the anointing ofsomeone else is not going to saveyou.That is the hard lesson KingWHEN I FIRST RECEIVEDSaul learned.Samuel told him, "YouTHE ANOINTING, IT WAShave rejected the word of the Lord,JUST A DROP.and the Lord has rejected you frombeing king over Israel" (I Samuel15:26).As Samuel turned to leave, Saul "seized the edge of his robe, and ittore" (v.27).Samuel told him, "The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israelfrom you today, and has given it to a neighbor of yours, who is better thanyou" (v.28).He reached for the anointing, but it was to no avail.Samuel'sanointing could not rescue him.An InfantIn the days when I understood little of the moving of the Holy Spirit,God used the ministry of a woman evangelist to guide my steps.Sheshowed me a pattern to follow not her pattern but the Lord's.Today, in our own crusades, there are ministers and lay people whotravel hundreds of miles, even from nations all over the world, to be inthe atmosphere of the anointing.I received a letter from a minister in Michigan."Dear Pastor Hinn," hewrote, "The gifts of the Spirit are new to me, yet every time I return to mypulpit from being in one of your meetings I feel the spiritual tide rising127 KATHRYN KUHLMANboth in me and in my congregation." That is where I was many years ago a spiritual infant.Don't be afraid to bring yourself under the shadow of people who areanointed.Let their ministry touch your life.It may come in the form of atract, a tape, a book, or by physically sitting under their ministry.Why is this so vital? Because God's Spirit is contagious.Every day, inmy own life, in addition to studying God's Word, I continually listen toministry tapes and read books by great men and women of God.Why? Ineed fresh oil to be poured on me from the Lord Himself and from Hisservants.I continue to read the writings of Wesley, Moody, Finney andthe great preachers of history.It keeps the fire of revival burning withinme.Even after Christ had ascended to heaven, His influence did notdiminish.The Scribes and thePharisees could only come to oneI NEED FRESH OIL TO BEconclusion."When they saw thePOURED ON ME FROMboldness of Peter and John, andperceived that they wereTHE LORD HIMSELF ANDuneducated and untrained men,FROM HIS SERVANTS.they marveled.And they realizedthat they had been with Jesus"(Acts 4:13).Cherish the time you spend in His presence, in His Word and withHis people.I believe the Lord wants you to have more than a double portion, forthere is no limit to the anointing of the Holy Spirit I believe He wants topour out an unlimited anointing upon His children.Don't delay the journey.128 Chapter ElevenChapter 11 A l l e l u j a h !A l l e l u j a h !n the late 1960s, when the Vietnam War protesters and the flower-Ichildren of Haight-Ashbury were in full bloom, the "Jesus People"were winning thousands of young people to the Lord.Jimmie McDonald remembers the day when about 200 who were partof this movement came to the CBS studios for a taping of one of Kathryn'stelevision programs."Some thought they were just long-haired hippies,"he recalled.While they were waiting for the I Believe in Miracles production tobegin, they began singing a chorus, Allelujah, Allelujah.No one on Miss Kuhlman's staff had ever heard it before.SaysMcDonald, "Kathryn felt such a power in that song that she immediatelycalled for an extra program to be taped.They gathered around the pianoand sang it again and again."From that day forward, in almost every service Miss Kuhlmanconducted, the song was included.It became a tradition in her services.Today, in our own crusades we sing Allelujah, Allelujah [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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