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    .Which namespace contains the types needed to generate code?d.System.CodeDom2.Which code can create a lambda expression?c.x => x * x; Chapter 8: Reflection, Custom Attributes, the CodeDOM, and Lambda Expressions 579X'3.You are consulting for a company called Contoso and are taking over an application thatwas built by a third-party software company.There is an executable that is currently notworking because it is missing a DLL file that is referenced.How can you figure out whichDLL files the application references?b.Create an instance of the Assembly class, load the assembly, and call theGetReferencedAssemblies method.4.You are a developer for a finance department and are building a method that uses reflectionto get a reference to the type of object that was passed as a parameter.Which syntax can beused to determine an object s type?d.Type myType = myParameter.GetType();5.You are asked to create a custom attribute that has a single property, called Version, thatallows the caller to determine the version of a method.Which code can create the attribute?b.class MyCustomAttribute : System.Attribute { public stringVersion { get; set; } }6.Which class in the System.Reflection namespace would you use if you want to determineall the classes contained in a DLL file?b.Assembly7.Which method of the Assembly class allows you to get all the public types defined inthe Assembly?c.GetExportedTypes8.Which property of the Assembly class returns the name of the assembly?d.FullName9.Which method of the Assembly class returns an instance of the current assembly?a.GetExecutingAssembly10.Which syntax will Load an Assembly?a.Assembly.Load("System.Data, Version=4.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089");b.Assembly.LoadFrom(@"c:\MyProject\Project1.dll");c.Assembly.LoadFile(@"c:\MyProject\Project1.dll");d.Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(("System.Data, Version=4.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089");11.Which method should you call if you want the.NET Framework to look in the load-contextto load an Assembly?c.Load 580 APPENDIX ANSWERS TO SAMPLE TEST QUESTIONSX'12.Which method should you call if you want the.NET Framework to look in the load-fromcontext?b.LoadFrom13.Which line creates an instance of a DataTable using reflection?a.myAssembly.CreateInstance("System.Data.DataTable");14.Which class would you create if you wanted to determine all the properties contained in aclass using reflection?d.Type15.How can you determine if a class is public or private?a.Create an instance of the Type class using the typeof keyword and then examine theIsPublic property of the Type variable.16.Which class in the System.Reflection namespace is used to represent a field defined in a class?b.FieldInfo17.Which property of the Type class can you use to determine the number of dimension foran array?d.GetArrayRank18.Which statement will returns a private, instance field called "myPrivateField" using reflection?Assume the myClass variable is an instance of a class.a.myClass.GetType().GetField("myPrivateField", BindingFlags.NonPublic| BindingFlags.Instance)19.Which method of the MethodInfo class can be used to execute the method?b.Invoke20.Which statement uses reflection to execute the method and passes in two parameters giventhe following code block?MyClass myClass = new MyClass();MethodInfo myMethod = typeof(MyClass).GetMethod("Multiply");c.myMethod.Invoke(myClass, new object[] { 4, 5 });CHAPTER 9: WORKING WITH DATA1.Which object does the variable mySet inherit from?Int[] mySet = new int[5];c.System.Array2.Which type should you use to store objects of different types but do not know how manyelements you need at the time of creation?d.ArrayList Chapter 9: Working with Data 581X'3.If you create a custom class that is going to be used as elements in a List object and you wantto use the Sort method of the List object to sort the elements in the array, what steps must youtake when coding the custom class?b.Inherit from the IComparable interface.Implement the CompareTo method.4.Which collection would you use if you need to process the items in the collection on first-in-first-out order?b.Queue5.Which collection would you use if you need to process the items in the collection on a last-in-first-out order?c.Stack6.Which collection would you use if you need to quickly find an element by its key rather thanits index?a.Dictionaryc.SortedList7.Which ADO.NET object is used to connect to a database?b.Connection8.Which properties of an ADO.NET Command object must you set to execute a storedprocedure?c.CommandTypeCommandTextParameters9.Which Command object s method would you use to execute a query that does not returnany results?a.ExecuteNonQuery10 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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