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    .I won't cover web services in detail until Volume III of this series, in order tolet some of the glitter shake off the paradigm in favor of stability and proven techniques.10.3 What's Next?Despite all of the information covered, it can still be confusing to decide what to do next.With over a thousand lines of code in this book, you still do not have a complete application.And while I hope you pick up Volume II of this series when it becomes available, I certainlywouldn't advise you not to press on in the interim.So, in closing, I want to provide somesuggestions on how to proceed in your enterprise application programming.First, take some time to understand the supplemental code in Appendix E.While I didn'tcover all of this in detail in the various chapters, there is quite a bit of information stuffed inbetween curly braces and brackets.The code (particularly when downloaded fromhttp://www.newinstance.com/) is loaded with comments and Javadoc, and illustrates someconcepts in addition to those explicitly covered in the text of the book.You can also gain agood bit of insight about container-managed persistence in EJB 2.0, the nuts and bolts of theJava Message Service and message-driven beans, and more.I've included all of this code inprinted form in Appendix E, so take advantage of the listings.Next, try to find something at your job to apply these concepts to.Your own assignments inthe enterprise application space should allow you a test bed for the concepts mentioned hereand for techniques of your own.My ideas all stem from actual problems I've had to solve; youshould assemble your own toolkit of similar ideas and programming idioms.In other words,practice makes perfect, and you need to do more than simply read through this book to masterapplication programming in Java.Finally, don't wait on a book to start building out your application.Develop a servlet front-end, code up some JSPs, or delve into web services, using either the Forethought backbone oran application of your own.This will put you ahead of those who won't venture into newterritory without a roadmap, and you may find yourself teaching them before long.Future183 Building Java"! Enterprise Applications Volume I: Architecturevolumes of this series, or other books, may cause you to make changes down the line;however, you will have a sound understanding of what led you to these changes, and thatexperience is invaluable.Most of all, enjoy yourself, and I'll see you online.184 Building Java"! Enterprise Applications Volume I: ArchitectureAppendix A.SQL ScriptsThis appendix contains the SQL scripts that are specific to a variety of different databases.Inaddition to adding enhancements that will improve performance on a specific database, thesescripts omit any constructs that are not supported by a specific database (for example,the InstantDB script does not employ foreign keys, a feature still under development).If youare having trouble with the standard SQL scripts provided in Chapter 3 or Chapter 5, check to[A]see if a script for your specific database is included here.All of the scripts shown here areavailable for download online by visiting http://www.newinstance.com/.Additionally, many of these scripts contain information that is not SQL, but instead is aninstruction set for the database.For example, the Cloudscape database needs connectioninformation specified at the head of any SQL script run against it, and InstantDB needsinformation about the JDBC driver to use.For each of the databases covered here, specificdeployment details are covered in Appendix B.Any additional information specified inthe examples in this appendix is also used in Appendix B as part of deployment.Finally, the scripts used to create the accounts storage assume that the scripts to createthe user store have already been run.In other words, if you are using Cloudscape, you mustexecute the script in Example A-1 before executing the one in Example A-6.This is becausethe foreign key constraint on the USER_ID in the ACCOUNTS table references a column thatmust already exist from the USERS table.Errors will result if the user store has not alreadybeen created.Again, following the steps outlined in Appendix B will ensure these problemsdo not arise.AIf your database is not covered here, please feel free to send a working SQL script (for both the users and accounts storage) to me directly atbrett@newInstance.com.If I can ensure that it works, I will be happy to include it online and in updated versions of this book [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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